Category: Uncategorized
The End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency – What it Means for Alabama Healthcare Providers
By: Howard Bogard, Burr & Forman The Biden Administration recently announced that the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (“PHE”) will end May 11, 2023. The PHE has been in effect since January of 2020. During the PHE, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) and other regulatory agencies eased certain restrictions for healthcare providers so…
Discussions with Decision Makers: Rep. Susan DuBose
Representative Susan DuBose (R -Hoover) is the newly elected representative of district 45. Rep. DuBose worked as a residential, commercial and construction loan officer and business development officer for Compass Bank for over 12 years before becoming a stay-at-home mom to raise her two children in 1997. She is president of the Republican Women of…
Grant Opportunity for Disaster Relief
Are you or do you know a physician whose practice was affected by the recent storms in Alabama? The Medical Association of the State of Alabama, in partnership with the AMA Foundation Disaster Relief Program, has a new grant opportunity to assist physicians to rebuild practices in their community. The grant aims to help practices…
Discussions with Decision Makers: Rep. Frances Holk-Jones
Representative Frances Holk-Jones, a native of Foley, is the newly elected representative from the 95th district in Baldwin County. She is the first 4th generation State Farm agent in the country and is president of Frances Holk Insurance. Frances learned the importance of public service at an early age while watching both her grandfather and…
I Have to Correct What?
By Kelli C. Fleming, Burr & Forman, LLP A client recently informed me that their practice was experiencing a large increase in the number of medical record amendment requests it was receiving from patients. My perception is that this is the result of two things: (1) the widespread transition to electronic medical records, and (2)…
Discussions with Decision Makers: Senator Linda Coleman-Madison
Senator Linda Coleman-Madison (D- Birmingham) currently serves on the Senate Healthcare Committee for the Alabama State Senate. Supported by ALAPAC, she assumed her current office in 2006 and previously was a member of the Alabama House of Representatives. She also served as a member of the Birmingham City Council from 1985 to 1997. What first…
Preventing Home-Birth VBACs Attended by Non-Nurse Midwives
For the third installment of an in-depth look into each of the Association’s “Top 10 Highlights” from the 2022 Legislative Session, we will look at the Medical Association’s opposition to home-birth VBACs and support for high national standards that ensure the safety of pregnant woman and their children. In 2017 Lawmakers passed legislation that allows…
Extending Medicaid Postpartum Coverage – Success on an Medical Association Top Priority
For the second installment of an in-depth look into each of the Association’s “Top 10 Highlights” from the 2022 Legislative Session, we will look at the Medical Association’s successful multi-year advocacy efforts to secure a Medicaid postpartum coverage extension from 60 days to 12 months after birth. Alabama has the nation’s third worst maternal death…
As the political action committee representing physicians across the state, Alabama Medical PAC (ALAPAC) is pleased to provide the list of candidates chosen to receive support in the upcoming May 24, 2022, primaries. ALAPAC conducts interviews, receives feedback from physicians, and utilizes Regional Boards and a Board of Directors to vet candidates for local legislative…
On-Line Reviews Can Equate to a HIPAA Trap
By: Kelli Carpenter Fleming, Burr & Forman, LLP With almost every facet of our lives being conducted online these days, more and more consumers are turning to online reviews and comments to make business decisions. In addition, more and more businesses, including healthcare providers, are building up their online presence to achieve better search results…