Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Each year, ALAPAC seeks donations from physicians in order to keep the political presence of physicians strong. While we are currently in the final stages of our campaign to raise $75k in 75 days, we would like to take a moment to thank those individuals who have gone above and beyond with their contributions this year.
Such contributions enable ALAPAC to provide financial and technical support to candidates who best represent the professional needs of physicians and their patients. Moreover, these contributions combine individual voices into one strong, unified voice to ensure Alabama physicians remain influential in the legislative process.
For those who have yet to contribute this year, there is still time left to contribute! ALAPAC has 45 days left in its summer campaign and needs to raise a little over $40k (that’s less than 4 physicians giving $250 each day).
While this list is comprised of individuals who have given more than $250, we are grateful to EVERYONE who has supported ALAPAC and will be recognizing ALL donors at the end of our campaign.
We look forward to finishing this year on a high note and hope that you will help us reach our goal!
2019 Top Donors

A. Roland Spedale, Jr., M.D. |
Alan Mann, D.O. |
Alexis Mason, M.D. |
Alfred LaShawn Malone, M.D. |
Amanda Jean Williams, M.D. |
Anthony Hollman, M.D. |
Arden LeRoy Aylor, Jr., M.D. |
Brendan Wyatt, M.D. |
Brett Lee Storm, M.D. |
Burt Fowler Taylor, M.D. |
Charles Hugh Holloway, M.D. |
Charles R. Horton, Jr., M.D. |
Christopher Green, M.D. |
Christopher Rauf Ahmed, M.D. |
Clint Thomas Wade, M.D. |
Dewey Jones, IV, M.D. |
Eric Conrad Lund, M.D. |
George Fant, M.D. |
Glenn Woods, M.D. |
Gregory Scott Tucker, M.D. |
Hernando Carter, M.D. |
Ivan Sequera-Sanchez, M.D. |
James B. Byrne, Jr., M.D. |
James C. Mann, M.D. |
James D. Izer, M.D. |
James Reza Fernandez, M.D. |
James Scott Bolton, M.D., PC |
James Vann Worthen, M.D. |
Jane Ann Weida, M.D. |
John Drew, D.O. |
John Meigs, M.D. |

John Olen Newcomb, M.D. |
Jorge A. Alsip, M.D. |
Julia Ann Alexander, M.D. |
Julia L. Boothe, M.D. |
Kurt Arnold Senn, M.D. |
Liang Gu, M.D. |
Mark H. LeQuire, M.D. |
Masoud Hamidian, M.D. |
Michael Cochran, M.D. |
Michael D. Smith, M.D. |
Michael Todd Ellerbusch, M.D. |
Michael W. Cantrell, M.D. |
Neil Yeager, M.D. |
Paul Nagrodzki, M.D. |
Paul Pickard, M.D. |
Richard E. Jones, III, M.D. |
Richard Esham, Sr., M.D. |
Robert Evans Egbert, M.D. |
Robert Nesbitt, M.D. |
Robert Story, M.D. |
Robert Williams, M.D. |
Sara Margaret Mullins, M.D. |
Sarah Mullican, M.D. |
Sebastian B. Heersink, M.D. |
Stephanie Jiminez, M.D. |
Stephen Fernandez, M.D. |
Suzanne S. Blaylock, M.D. |
Thomas James Weida, M.D. |
William Bennett, M.D. |
William Jay Suggs, M.D. |
William W. Beckett, Jr., M.D. |

*Contributions to ALAPAC are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Voluntary political contributions to Alabama Medical PAC (ALAPAC) are not limited to the suggested amount. The Medical Association will not favor or disadvantage anyone based upon the amount or failure to contribute. A portion of the contributions may be used in connection with Federal elections. Corporate funds will be used in either state elections or for education purposes. Federal contributions are subject to the limitations of FEC Regulations 110.1, .2, and .5.