Archive for Advocacy

Congress Considers Expanding Medicare Coverage for Prescription Weight Loss Medications

Congress Considers Expanding Medicare Coverage for Prescription Weight Loss Medications

By: Jessie Bekker, Burr & Forman LLP

Some Congressional leaders voted to expand Medicare coverage for prescription medications to treat obesity.

The House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee voted in late June to pass the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2023. If passed, the bill would approve Medicare Part D coverage for glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists, or GLP-1 agonists, including semaglutide, a diabetes medication. 

The medications, also approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of cardiovascular disease, have gained popularity under name brands including Wegovy and Ozempic for their promotion of weight loss. 

The Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2023 would allow Medicare Part D to cover obesity treatment medications for those who also present with at least one comorbidity. The Act would also expand Medicare coverage for intensive behavioral therapy related to obesity when provided upon referral from primary care providers by other physician specialists and health care providers, including nurse practitioners, physician assistants, registered dietitians and clinical psychologists. (Medicare currently only provides coverage for obesity-related intensive behavioral therapy provided by primary care practitioners).

A version of the bill was introduced in the Senate in 2023 and referred to the Committee on Finance.

The bill has received bipartisan support, but it is not the first time Congress has considered the measure. In 2021, Congress considered a bill by the same name in both the House and Senate, but it gained little traction.

According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), which assesses the estimated economic impact of proposed legislation, “the evidence suggests that the amount of potential savings on cardiac care and other health care would be less than the current net federal cost of [anti-obesity medication],” basing its determination on the current costs of those medications against spending on treatment of common conditions associated with obesity, like cardiovascular disease. The CBO attributed the net economic loss to the high cost of anti-obesity medications and comparatively small decrease in health care spending by people who lost weight and experienced health benefits. The CBO further noted that it expected Medicare cost-sharing and premiums to increase in the event of coverage for anti-obesity medications.

Concurrently, Medicare Advantage providers are contemplating coverage for anti-obesity medications. In statements to Modern Healthcare, Kaiser Permanente’s Kaiser Health Plan and CVS Health’s Aetna reported that each would begin providing coverage for brand name Wegovy to their enrollees.

The CBO reported that U.S. net sales of Ozempic, Wegovy, and Rybelsus, an oral version of Ozempic versus its injectable counterpart, totaled $3.4 billion in the second quarter of 2023, while U.S. net sales of all glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists in that time period totaled $5.9 billion. Meanwhile, FDA reports show demand for semaglutide injections have driven shortages of the drugs.

Jessie Bekker is an attorney at Burr & Forman LLP practicing exclusively in the firm’s healthcare practice group. Jessie can be reached at or (205) 458-5275.

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Medical Association Endorses Prior Authorization Bill Reintroduced in Congress

Medical Association Endorses Prior Authorization Bill Reintroduced in Congress

On June 12, bipartisan lawmakers introduced an updated version of the Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act in both the House (H.R. 8702) and Senate (S. 4532). The Medical Association is supporting the latest version of this legislation that was introduced, once again, by Senators Roger Marshall, MD (R-KS), Krysten Sinema (I-AZ), John Thune (R-SD), and Sherrod Brown (D-OH), as well as Representatives Mike Kelly (R-PA), Suzan DelBene (D-WA), Ami Bera, MD (D-CA) and Larry Bucshon, MD (R-IN). 

In the 117th Congress (2021-2022), the Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act garnered more than 378 total bipartisan cosponsors in the House and Senate and also passed the full House of Representatives. In addition, the legislation secured endorsements from more than 500 outside organizations, including the Medical Association of the State of Alabama and numerous other national and state medical societies.  

Unfortunately, the version of this bill that passed the House in the 117th Congress was never considered in the Senate because it produced a score of $16 billion from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), thus necessitating modifications to lessen the bill’s fiscal imprint. While electronic prior authorization rules that the Biden administration finalized in Jan. 2024 lowered the $16 billion score substantially, the recently introduced bill is amended to ensure it ultimately scores as close to $0 as possible.  

More specifically, the legislation requires the Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to submit a report to Congress on the use of prior authorization in Medicare Advantage and what constitutes “real-time decisions” for “routinely approved services.” The legislation also delegates explicit authority to CMS to implement this newly defined real-time prior authorization decision-making process for routinely approved services in Medicare Advantage. Finally, the legislation delegates explicit authority to the secretary of Health and Human Services to enforce the real-time prior authorization processes for routinely approved services and issue tighter timelines for health plans to make utilization management decisions, such as 24 hours for emergent services.  

Of note, the legislation is unchanged as it relates to: 

·         Mandating compliance with uniform electronic prior authorization technical standards 

·         Barring Medicare Advantage plans from utilizing faxes or proprietary payer portals 

·         Including robust transparency requirements (e.g., disclosure of policies and evidence utilized in formulating prior authorization, listing of all services subjected to prior authorization, how many services are denied and overturned on appeal, etc.) 

·         Permitting insurers to create gold-carding programs 

Click here for the Endorsement List.

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Here’s How Alabamians Can Fight Insurance Red Tape That Delays Medical Care

Here’s How Alabamians Can Fight Insurance Red Tape That Delays Medical Care

Alabama doctors and patients frustrated with delays in care caused by insurance companies’ prior authorization process now have a new way to share their stories and promote change.

A new online platform — — invites Alabamians to share their experiences with prior authorization problems. The website and the initiative behind it to encourage faster insurance approvals for medical care was started by doctors with the Medical Association of the State of Alabama.

Doctors say delays caused by prior authorizations can have dangerous impacts on their patients’ health.

>>>Watch this video: Doctors Discuss the Burdens of Prior Authorization<<<

“With prior authorizations, we definitely see a delay in patient care,” said Dr. Tonya Bradley, a physician in Auburn. “I see delays in patients getting chemo, I see delays in patients getting tests they need to diagnose problems that can be very urgent.”

What is Prior Authorization?
Before your doctor provides a treatment, your insurance requires them to prove you need it. Decades ago, prior authorization was used sparingly and typically only to make sure some expensive treatments were absolutely necessary.

But today, even routine medical care requires insurance approval. Denials mean patients and doctors must spend time fighting insurance companies for care.

Takes Time Away From ‘What Really Matters’
When doctors have to spend time arguing with insurance companies over prior authorizations, it means there’s less time for doctors to spend with their patients – their number one priority.

“The bureaucracy. The paperwork. The institutional inertia. The list goes on and on, and it makes it very difficult for us to do what really matters, which is take great care of our patients,” said Dr. George Koulianos of Mobile.

What Alabamians Think
A survey of Alabama doctors found that 76 percent said the time they spend on prior authorizations means they see fewer patients in a day. One-third of doctors said they and their staff spend nearly an entire workday each week filling out prior authorization paperwork, following up with phone calls and fighting denials.

A separate survey of 500 Alabamians showed that 80 percent agree with the statement that “doctors in Alabama are working to spend more time with patients, so that patients and doctors have the time together to make the best health care decisions.”

Dr. Hernando Carter said being able to spend more time with patients rather than prior authorizations results in better health care.

“If you can spend the time to explain to your patient why you’re recommending a test or why you’re recommending a treatment and be able to answer all the questions they have and assuage any concerns or apprehensions they have, then that directly affects how well they do. It directly affects whether they get better or not,” the Birmingham physician said. “So, we abhor anything that interferes or cuts into that time that we have to do that with our patients.”

“We need to have the ability to take care of our patients in an efficient manner, expedite the care and not go through all the red tape,” said Dr. William Admire of Mobile. “When we slow down the progress of patients’ recovery, no one wins.”

Steps to Fix Prior Authorization
Physicians with the Medical Association have begun conversations with the health insurance community to push for changes. Stories submitted through will help support efforts to fix prior authorization in Alabama.

Among the changes doctors want to see are an end to repeat prior authorizations for patients with chronic conditions and faster response times from insurers.

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Medical Association Unveils ‘Your Care is at Our Core,’ Emphasizing Personal Connection in Health Care

Medical Association Unveils ‘Your Care is at Our Core,’ Emphasizing Personal Connection in Health Care

83% of Alabamians Agree: Doctor-Patient Relationship is ‘Central’ to Health

A strong bond between doctors and patients leads to better health care, say Alabama doctors. A new awareness campaign launched by the Medical Association of the State of Alabama called “Your Care is at Our Core” reinforces this important message.

A doctor-patient relationship based on mutual trust allows doctors to help patients navigate what can be complex health challenges. It is a responsibility doctors say they don’t take lightly.

“From the moment that you begin training to become a doctor, it’s made very clear and apparent to you that people are going to place their trust in you. They’re placing their lives in your hands so you have to take that very seriously,” said Dr. Hernando Carter, a doctor of internal medicine in Birmingham. “It has to be the most important thing to you.”

Building Trust
Trust is essential because patients are more inclined to share crucial information about their health concerns and personal circumstances when they feel a genuine connection with their doctor.

This honest exchange of information enables doctors to make informed decisions, tailor treatment plans and provide care that aligns with each patient’s unique needs and preferences.

A Collaborative Approach to Wellness
Moreover, a strong doctor-patient relationship fosters a supportive environment where patients feel empowered and engaged in their healthcare journey. When patients feel heard and valued, they are more likely to adhere to treatment regimens, follow medical advice and actively participate in the shared decision-making process.

“I tell my patients all the time that I can’t make you well on my own. It’s a team effort, something that we have to work together on and I think that resonates well with patients,” said Dr. Brittney Anderson, a family physician in Demopolis.

‘Be a Good Listener’

Physicians recognize that effective communication and empathy are vital in fostering positive patient outcomes. By building rapport and understanding their patients’ concerns, doctors deliver patient-centered care and uphold the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship as a cornerstone of healthcare excellence.

“One of the most important things when I train medical students and residents is I teach them to sit down with the patient,” said Dr. William Admire, a doctor of internal medicine in Mobile. “The most important thing about being a doctor is to be a good listener, show respect, show empathy, compassion.”

Statewide Consensus
According to a statewide survey conducted in March on behalf of the Medical Association, 83 percent of Alabamians agree “the doctor-patient relationship is central to health care.” The poll also showed that 83 percent agree with the statement: “It is crucial for physicians to be involved in my care so that I have the best outcomes.”

To watch a video of Alabama physicians discussing why they view the doctor-patient
relationship as sacred, click here.

To view the “Your Care is at Our Core” video message, click here.

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Association Kicks Off 11 Regional Receptions Tour Across Alabama

Association Kicks Off 11 Regional Receptions Tour Across Alabama

This Fall, the Medical Association’s Governmental Relations team kicked off its Regional Receptions Tour across the state to bring lawmakers and physicians together to help discuss issues affecting medicine in Alabama.  Partnering with 9 medical specialty societies to put on these events, the Association is working to host 11 receptions reaching from Mobile to the Shoals area of Alabama and many places in between. 

At each of these receptions, the Association and other partnering specialties present information to lawmakers to educate them on a variety of topics of interest to physicians and patients.  Local physician involvement is vital to the Medical Association’s success for its members and the patients under their care.  These receptions serve as an excellent opportunity for physicians and local lawmakers to interact and discuss the challenges medicine faces in maintaining access to quality care for patients.

These 11 receptions offer a first-rate occasion for a supportive, multi-specialty effort to proactively educate lawmakers on issues of interest to medicine and foster strong working relationships between local physicians and their elected officials. While the Association and its Government Relations team serve as the “boots on the ground” when working with legislators on health care policy in Alabama, there is no more impactful outreach to legislators on health care issues than that of a local physician constituent. 

The Medical Association appreciates its specialty society partners and the physicians participating in these events.  The Association looks forward to updating its physician members at the conclusion of the 11-reception tour.

Thank you to the specialty societies partnering with the Association on these events:

Alabama State Society of Anesthesiologists

Alabama Academy of Family Physicians

Alabama Section – American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Alabama Academy of Eye Physicians and Eye Surgeons

Alabama Orthopaedic Society

Alabama Psychiatric Physicians Association

Alabama Academy of Radiology

Alabama Chapter – American College of Emergency Physicians

Alabama Society of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology

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Discussions with Decision Makers: Senator Robert Stewart

Discussions with Decisionmakers

Senator Robert Stewart, a native of Selma, is the newly elected Senator of District 23 and received a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Tuskegee University and a Masters in Accounting from Kennesaw State University. Stewart is a former aide to U.S. Rep Terri Sewell, and he worked in an advocacy role at Public Citizen Inc., a Washington D.C.-based nonprofit. He is a graduate of the Congressional Black Caucus Institute Boot Camp and was elected to the inaugural Youth Caucus of the newly reformed Alabama Democratic Party State Executive Committee.

What first prompted you to consider running for office?

Gratitude. I had a great childhood and was reared in the district. District 23 shows great promise. I view the region as the “epicenter of southern hospitality.” It is an honor of a lifetime to represent the interests of such amazing people and communities.

How does your background help serve you in the Legislature?

I am an accountant by trade, former congressional staffer with a strong understanding of government, and with a record of service/community involvement that has equipped me with the skills necessary to serve.

What are some of your legislative priorities next term?

Priorities for me is passing legislation that improve the quality of life for the district with focuses on putting people first, economic development, healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

What are some health-related issues important to your district and your constituents?

Most of the counties in my district don’t even have access to a pediatrician. We must do introspection on what that means for communities. Children are the lifeline of any community and in many cases, without a pediatrician it is difficult to keep them healthy. Access to healthcare is a huge hurdle, there are counties in my district that don’t even have a hospital. Addressing the social determinants of health in the district is critical.

What do you think people understand the least about our health care system?

Too many have been propagandized so much that they do not understand that they deserve more. It is difficult for many people to see their way of hardship because of how expensive healthcare is. In other countries, there is Medicare for all, and citizens aren’t bankrupted by their healthcare system.

If you could change anything about our state’s health care system, what would it be?

Medicaid expansion would be a top priority; Hospitals are at the very minimum an acute health system in every county of the state.

How can the Medical Association – and physicians statewide – help you address Alabama’s health

The Medical Association can continue its advocacy to ensure that health outcomes are improved statewide.

Do you have a position on the expansion of Medicaid?

I fully support Medicaid expansion.

What is the one thing you would like to say to physicians in your district?

Thank you for going above and beyond keeping out communities healthy.

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Investing in Rural Medicine for the Future

Investing in Rural Medicine for the Future

Investing in Rural Health Care in Alabama remained a top priority for the Medical Association this past Legislative Session and will be going forward.  Ensuring affordable, high quality and physician-led access to quality care for rural residents not only means a healthier Alabama, but is also a piece of the economic development puzzle for maintaining and improving communities throughout the State. Each year, the Medical Association supports funding for programs like the Rural Medical Scholars Program at the University of Alabama, Rural Medicine Program at Auburn University and the Board of Medical Scholarship Award (BMSA) which grants medical-school-scholarship-loans to pre-med students, medical students and resident physicians to help attract them to underserved parts of the State.    

The Rural Medical Scholars program works to recruit and assist Alabama college students from rural areas who want to become physicians and work in the state’s rural communities.  Since its founding in 1996, more than 200 students have participated in the Rural Medical Scholars Program, and 126 have completed medical school and residency. Of those, the vast majority practice in Alabama, in mostly rural areas, and 65% are primary care physicians.  As well, thanks to the leadership from both Governor Ivey and the Legislature, the Association was able to maintain the total amount for physician-student loans in 2023 via the BMSA at $1.9 million, establishing 8 new physicians in underserved parts of the state through medical school tuition loans.  

The Association also worked on crafting a long-overdue update to the existing rural physician tax credit.  Since its inception in 1993, many things have changed in rural Alabama and the current eligibility requirements are outdated.  The Association worked with the Alabama Department of Revenue on the bill and although it did not pass, much progress was made and the Association maintains updating the rural physician tax credit as a priority for next session.  

Most physicians who come from rural areas and/or begin their careers in rural areas usually stay and practice in those communities.  These programs remain one of the best mechanisms for expanding access to quality, physician-led care and help to attract and keep physicians in underserved communities.  As the Medical Association gears up for the 2023 regular session, the Association looks forward to working with the Legislature to increase access to quality care in rural communities throughout the state and grow the physician workforce in Alabama to better care for citizens. 

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Discussions with Decision Makers: Representative Jeff Sorrells

Discussions with Decision Makers: Representative Jeff Sorrells

Representative Sorrells is a member of the Alabama House of Representatives from the 87th District, serving since 2018. He is a member of the Republican party and serves on the House Health Committee. Rep. Sorrells was previously the mayor of Hartford, Alabama and is a vice president of the First National Bank of Hartford, Alabama.

What first prompted you to consider running for office?

When I first got involved in public office in 2002, on a local basis, my primary concern was to make a difference in my community. Being from a small rural community, it appeared that everything stayed the same and nothing changed for the better. I felt that the best thing I could do was get involved and work toward improving my community. I firmly believe that the best plan of action you can take to invoke change is to get involved in a positive manner and work toward a goal for the future. Have a plan and then implement that plan for a better quality of life for those people you serve. Being a mayor for 10 of those years served as an opportunity for me to be able to make that change and improve the quality of life for those in our community.

How does your background help serve you in the Legislature?

Being in the banking industry for the past 35 years has helped me to see the value of being able to help people and work with people to achieve the results that are beneficial to them and you. Working together is necessary to be able to achieve these goals and to have the ability to be successful in your role in the Alabama legislature. The satisfaction that you can derive from helping others is a tremendous motivation for me in public service. Banking has taught me the value of helping others in their time of need as well as how to listen when those around you talk.

What are some of your legislative priorities next term?

Being from a rural environment I think it is time Alabama took a hard look into Medicaid expansion. There are too many hospitals and clinics in our rural areas that are closing and these hospitals serve a tremendous purpose in many of our communities. Too many times the older population does not have the means to travel 40 or 50 miles for health care services. Medicaid expansion could possibly be the mechanism that can keep these hospitals and health care clinics open and serving the community. We also must get tough on the Fentanyl abuse in Alabama and our country as well. Way too much of this drug is pouring across our southern border and we need to let those that would distribute and use this drug know that a high price will be paid when you are caught.

What are some health-related issues important to your district and your constituents?

There is little doubt that Covid has been an issue for all Alabamians over the last couple years. This virus has highlighted just how important our rural physicians and hospitals are to our state. We have to keep exploring all options available to help our rural areas maintain and deliver adequate health care.

What do you think people understand the least about our health care system?

The aspect that I think people are most unaware of is the reimbursement of services provided by the health care community. Procedures that are performed are billed at a specific price but the actual funds received are predetermined regardless of what the actual cost may have been. This usually leaves a balance due and ultimately has to be absorbed by the health care provider.

If you could change anything about our state’s health care system, what would it be?

Improving access to health care especially in rural areas. Telemedicine will go a long way toward benefiting people in the areas that currently are underserved. We must make sure our rural hospitals are adequately funded and can survive in rural Alabama.

How can the Medical Association – and physicians statewide – help you address Alabama’s health challenges?

When questions arise, it is imperative that we, as legislators, have the opportunity to seek out information from those that are versed in that industry. My background being in banking is what I am most versed in, so to have the ability seek out professionals in the health care industry and discuss issues is imperative for me as a legislator.

What is the one thing you would like to say to physicians in your district?

THANK YOU!! Thank you for all your dedication and hard work taking care of Alabama during the pandemic. Thank you for working the long hours under difficult circumstances to ensure that all Alabamians were provided with the health care that was much needed during these unprecedented times that we experienced in the pandemic.

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Drawing a Line at Pharmacists Prescribing Medicine

Drawing a Line at Pharmacists Prescribing Medicine

For the 5th installment of an in-depth look into each of the Medical Association’s “Top 10 Highlights” from the 2022 regular session, we will look at the Association’s opposition to allowing pharmacists blanket authority to prescribe vaccines and immunizations

At the beginning of the 2022 Regular Session, a bill was drafted and supported by the Alabama Pharmacy Association that would have given pharmacists broad authority to prescribe vaccines and immunizations.  Currently, pharmacists may administer vaccines, but may not prescribe them. The bill would have permitted pharmacists to prescribe any vaccine or immunization that they are already allowed to administer. 

Proponents of the legislation stated their goal was to expand access to vaccines and immunizations and make permanent some of the additional privileges granted to pharmacists via the temporary COVID emergency orders. As the Association discussed possible alternatives to the bill, medicine offered multiple substitutes to the proposed legislation that would have met the stated goal, but these were all rejected by the pharmacy association. With no agreement in place, proponents failed in their attempt to move the bill forward. 

The Association believes strongly in the physician lead health team and does not support fracturing care delivery. Hence, the Association partnered with the Alabama Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Alabama Academy of Family Physicians, and the Alabama Chapter of the American College of Physicians in opposition to the bill. The coalition maintained that allowing pharmacists to prescribe vaccines – especially important childhood vaccines – would disrupt the “medical home” and actually hurt children’s access to care. The Association also believed that allowing pharmacists the ability to prescribe was ultimately a “scope creep” style bill that would blur the lines between medicine and pharmacy. The bill “passed” out of the Senate Healthcare Committee on a voice vote from Sen. Jim McClendon despite the absence of a quorum. The bill ultimately failed as it never made it to the Senate floor. The Association fully expects similar legislation to be proposed in the 2023 Regular Session.

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Discussions with Decision Makers: Representative Arnold Mooney

Discussions with Decision Makers:  Representative Arnold Mooney

Rep. Mooney (R–Birmingham) is a member of the Alabama House of Representatives, serving the 43rd district covering Shelby County. Born and raised in Montgomery, Rep. Mooney is supported by ALAPAC and a member of the House Health Committee. Rep. Mooney has been married to his wife Kelly for 31 years; has three grown children, a grandson, and a granddaughter and is a career Commercial Realtor.

What first prompted you to consider running for office?

I grew up in Montgomery and paged at the Legislature at an early age, clerked for a Montgomery attorney who served in the House of Representatives, interned in the Senate and worked on staff in the Senate after working for an Alabama US Senator in Washington. I actually assisted with running an Alabama House and Senate race, as well as, serving as the Campaign Manager of a US Senate race here in Alabama. I also had the opportunity to be on staff with the Medical Associaton of the State of Alabama for nearly three (3) years. I also have physician son who gives great perspective on healthcare. 

How does your background help serve you in the Legislature?

Continuing to work on free speech issues, adoption improvements, Pro-Life issues, strong reserve funds for our General Fund and Education Trust Fund budgets, as well as, the correct use of State funding , Special Needs education,  harden our schools for safety and security to protect our children from violent attacks and Election Law security legislation and health related issues.

What are some of your legislative priorities this term?

Continuing to work on free speech issues, adoption improvements, Pro-Life issues, strong reserve funds for our General Fund and Education Trust Fund budgets, as well as, the correct use of State funding , Special Needs education,  harden our schools for safety and security to protect our children from violent attacks and Election Law security legislation and health related issues.

What are some health-related issues important to your district and your constituents?

Pro-life and adoption needs, protecting the Physician/patient relationship through informed consent, widening the delivery and efficiency of medical services to Alabamians.

What do you think people understand the least about our health care system?

Quite simply how it actually works and the variety of things that constantly are proposed that could hurt them personally.

If you could change anything about our state’s health care system, what would it be?

Improve the responsiveness of state health related agencies such as the State Health Department and involve more private practice physicians in the decision making process.

How can the Medical Association – and physicians statewide – help you address Alabama’s health challenges?

Continue to support your MASA staff as they identify and communicate issues to the Legislature. Please become active participants in the legislative and political process. Our cooperative efforts will make a great difference for your patients and all Alabamians. 

What is the one thing you would like to say to physicians in your district?

I know many of you and want to know all of you! As our area continues to grow, please call on me to assist you with your concerns and issues. We can make the lives of our people better!

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