Alabama’s ACHNs Go Live Oct. 1
The end date for the Patient 1st Program is approaching, and providers will be required to have completed agreements with both Medicaid and the ACHN. Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) will no longer receive Patient 1st capitation payments beginning in October 2019. The ACHN program will be implemented on October 1, 2019, and providers will need…
Alabama Medicaid Updates: Don’t Miss This Information!
Promoting Interoperability with Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) The Alabama Department of Public Health Meaningful Use team recently added new functionality where Eligible Providers who are currently participating in the PI Program can access the PDMP registry and run reports to show that they are actively engaged with this Specialized Registry during the reporting period.…
Medicaid to Host Regional Meetings With Primary Care Providers
Patient First primary medical providers and other primary care providers are invited to attend one of seven upcoming meetings to learn more about Medicaid’s proposed Alabama Coordinated Health Networks (ACHNs). ACHNs are designed to create a single care coordination delivery system that effectively links patients, providers and community resources within each of seven regions. In coordination…