Category: Medicaid

  • Get Text Updates from Alabama Medicaid

    Get Text Updates from Alabama Medicaid

    Providers and recipients now have a new way to receive important information from the Alabama Medicaid Agency. The Text Messaging Service provides immediate and/or important communication directly to you. Examples of information shared with providers includes:  approaching deadlines, new program announcements, required provider agreements, Medicaid meetings and training, office closures, or other vital information which…

  • Alabama’s ACHNs Go Live Oct. 1

    Alabama’s ACHNs Go Live Oct. 1

    The end date for the Patient 1st Program is approaching, and providers will be required to have completed agreements with both Medicaid and the ACHN. Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) will no longer receive Patient 1st capitation payments beginning in October 2019. The ACHN program will be implemented on October 1, 2019, and providers will need…

  • Alabama Medicaid Updates: Don’t Miss This Information!

    Alabama Medicaid Updates: Don’t Miss This Information!

    Promoting Interoperability with Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) The Alabama Department of Public Health Meaningful Use team recently added new functionality where Eligible Providers who are currently participating in the PI Program can access the PDMP registry and run reports to show that they are actively engaged with this Specialized Registry during the reporting period.…

  • Alabama Medicaid Cumulative MME Edit Coming Early 2019

    Alabama Medicaid Cumulative MME Edit Coming Early 2019

    UPDATE April 26, 2019: Effective May 1, 2019 the Alabama Medicaid Agency will begin implementing cumulative daily MME edits for opioid experienced recipients. Higher doses of opioids are associated with higher risk of overdose and death – even relatively low dosages (20-50 MME per day) may increase risk.1 Therefore, Alabama Medicaid will limit the amount of…

  • SAME Act Could Give Alabama Second Chance at Medicaid Expansion

    SAME Act Could Give Alabama Second Chance at Medicaid Expansion

    Alabama Sen. Doug Jones introduced legislation this week to give a second chance to expand Medicaid to those states that have not yet expanded their programs. The States Achieve Medicaid Expansion (SAME) Act would also give these states another opportunity to receive the same levels of federal funding that was offered in 2010. “Alabama made…

  • New Requirements for Fee-For-Service Delivery Claims

    New Requirements for Fee-For-Service Delivery Claims

    Effective for dates of services on or after Feb. 1, 2018, fee-for-service delivery claims for recipients who reside in a county not served by an Alabama Medicaid (Medicaid) Maternity Care Program must contain the date of last menstrual period and the date of first prenatal visit. This information is not required for hospital claims. Counties…

  • Medicaid to Host Regional Meetings With Primary Care Providers

    Medicaid to Host Regional Meetings With Primary Care Providers

    Patient First primary medical providers and other primary care providers are invited to attend one of seven upcoming meetings to learn more about Medicaid’s proposed Alabama Coordinated Health Networks (ACHNs). ACHNs are designed to create a single care coordination delivery system that effectively links patients, providers and community resources within each of seven regions. In coordination…

  • MEDICAID ALERT: Federal Rule Change for Prenatal Claims

    MEDICAID ALERT: Federal Rule Change for Prenatal Claims

    The passage of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 requires states to “cost avoid” claims for prenatal services when there is a known liable third party. Prior to this change, states were federally required to “pay and chase” claims with a designated prenatal procedure or diagnosis code. The federal “pay and chase” provision enabled providers…

  • Alabama Medicaid Alert: Short-Acting Opioid Naïve Limits

    Alabama Medicaid Alert: Short-Acting Opioid Naïve Limits

    Effective Nov: 1, 2018, the Alabama Medicaid Agency will begin implementing limits on short-acting opiates for opioid naïve recipients. The Agency defines “opioid naïve” as a recipient with no opioid claim in the past 180 days. Edit Details: A 7-day supply limit for adults age 19 and older A 5-day supply limit for children age 18…

  • Alabama Medicaid Agency Updates

    Alabama Medicaid Agency Updates

    Short-Acting Opioid Naïve Limits — Effective Nov. 1 Effective Nov. 1, 2018, the Alabama Medicaid Agency will begin implementing limits on short-acting opiates for opioid naïve recipients. The Agency defines “opioid naïve” as a recipient with no opioid claim in the past 180 days. Edit Details: A 7-day supply limit for adults age 19 and older…