ALAPAC Update: Where Does Your Specialty Rank?

ALAPAC Update: Where Does Your Specialty Rank?

Each week, ALAPAC has been providing updates on our 2019 individual donors. Now, we’d like to provide a snapshot of some of the largest specialties in the Medical Association and the percentage of their member-donors.

Below is a chart highlighting these specialties and the current percent of Medical Association members that have donated to ALAPAC. Right now, Orthopeadics leads the way with 56% of members also having contributed!

With only 30 days left in our summer campaign, we would love to see more specialties reach the 50% threshold. So, have you contributed? Do you know someone who has yet to do so? Simply click the button below and make a donation today!

If you don’t see your specialty listed on the chart and would like this information, shoot us an email and we will be happy to provide you with these statistics.

***Contributions to ALAPAC are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Voluntary political contributions to Alabama Medical PAC (ALAPAC) are not limited to the suggested amount. The Medical Association will not favor or disadvantage anyone based upon the amount or failure to contribute. A portion of the contributions may be used in connection with Federal elections. Corporate funds will be used in either state elections or for education purposes. Federal contributions are subject to the limitations of FEC Regulations 110.1, .2, and .5.

Posted in: Advocacy

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