Archive for Advocacy

Congress is Tackling Surprise Billing Legislation

Congress is Tackling Surprise Billing Legislation

12th hour negotiations are taking place in Congress to get Surprise Billing legislation passed before the end of the year. The Medical Association has been engaged on this issue since the beginning of the year advocating for a fair independent dispute resolution process to resolve out of network payment disputes. However the insurance industry has been pushing to set a benchmark for out of network payments to physicians at or below Medicare rates.

Several bi-partisan proposals on the subject have been introduced and are working their way thru the legislative process. Legislation by Sens. Lamar Alexander (R –Tenn) and Patty Murry (D-Wash) has been approved by the Senate Health and Labor Committee and a bill by Reps. Frank Pallone (d-NJ) and Greg Walden (R-Ore) has been approved by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

The House Ways and Means Committee and the House Education and Labor committees are expected to begin their work on the legislation once Congress returns to Washington. Differences in the competing versions of the legislation exist and mainly surround the issue of how to calculate insurance payments to out of network physicians and hospitals that prevent patients from being stuck with high medical bills.

The Medical Association of the State of Alabama, the AMA, and most national physician specialty organizations are supporting an Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR) as a fair and transparent method of determining the appropriate reimbursement without burdening the patient.

The health insurance industry is pushing back on that approach and supporting a proposal that would set out of network rates at the median in-network rate. Under this method, health insurance companies and the federal government would be setting reimbursement rates for both in-network providers and out of network providers which is a flawed approach and should be opposed.

The Medical Association has sent out several alerts in previous weeks to the membership encouraging physicians to contact Congress in support of the IDR solution. We continue to encourage physicians to make those contacts through our Advocacy Portal.

The Medical Association has also partnered with the Alabama State Society of Anesthesiology to author an op-ed piece that can be found here.

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Op-ed: Congress Must End Surprise Medical Billing by Aimee Walsh, M.D.

Op-ed: Congress Must End Surprise Medical Billing by Aimee Walsh, M.D.

Congress Must End Surprise Medical Billing


Aimee Walsh, M.D.

Counselor, House of Delegates

Medical Association of the State of Alabama

Past President, Alabama State Society of Anesthesiology

Past President, Mobile County Medical Society

Far too often, Mobile residents receive an unwelcome surprise in the form of an unexpected, costly medical bill. Patients who think they are covered suddenly find themselves saddled with hefty bills for lab work, x-rays, facility charges or providers’ services.

This problem is found across Alabama and much of the country—and it is within Congress’s power to fix it. But they must do so the right way.

Earlier this year, Congress began to debate legislation aimed at addressing surprise medical bills, but progress stalled this summer. When lawmakers return from their August recess, they should redouble their efforts and take action this year to ensure that no patient ever again receives a surprise medical bill.

The first step of any solution should be to take patients completely out of the equation. Payment disputes should be resolved between medical providers and insurers, without the patient being caught in the middle.

When surprise medical bills arrive, patients are often recovering from an injury or illness. They should not have their suffering compounded by out-of-pocket costs that exceed what they expected to pay for in-network coverage. In addition, surprise bills and fear of additional costs can undermine patient-physician relationships, threatening the quality of care. This core problem for patients will be eliminated if Congress prohibits sending patients surprise balance bills reflecting unexpected out-of-network costs.

With the patient removed from the payment dispute, Congress must next establish fair rules for insurers and medical providers to resolve out-of-network payment disputes. Neither side—nor should the government— be able to dictate prices, especially through the so-called “bench marking” approach, which would under compensate providers, resulting in reduced access to care for patients.

Instead, third-party data and analysis should be used to establish fair payments through a process known as Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR). IDR will be neutral, fair and cost-efficient. It will never involve patients or add further costs to them. It will also be supported by increasingly robust technology and data analysis, making the process efficient.

Any legislative solution must first and foremost establish a fair process for insurers and providers to resolve disputes without mandating fixed prices. But Congress can take additional steps as well to prevent payment disputes in the first place.

The problem of surprise bills arises in part because of changes and exclusions in health insurers’ networks. Patients may not realize that a secondary specialist—for instance, a radiologist reading an x-ray—is not part of an insurer’s network. In an emergency—where a patient is rushed to the nearest hospital and sees the first available doctor—there may be no opportunity to check coverage or travel to a more distant hospital.

It is simply wrong for emergencies to result in high-dollar, out-of-network surprise bills. Congress can also help address this issue by encouraging insurers to build and maintain robust networks.

Local U.S. Representative Bradley Byrne has made a welcome commitment to lowering healthcare costs for American families. He can help fulfill this promise by working with others in Congress to pass legislation that stops surprise medical bills—the right way.

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ALAPAC Update: Where Does Your Specialty Rank?

ALAPAC Update: Where Does Your Specialty Rank?

Each week, ALAPAC has been providing updates on our 2019 individual donors. Now, we’d like to provide a snapshot of some of the largest specialties in the Medical Association and the percentage of their member-donors.

Below is a chart highlighting these specialties and the current percent of Medical Association members that have donated to ALAPAC. Right now, Orthopeadics leads the way with 56% of members also having contributed!

With only 30 days left in our summer campaign, we would love to see more specialties reach the 50% threshold. So, have you contributed? Do you know someone who has yet to do so? Simply click the button below and make a donation today!

If you don’t see your specialty listed on the chart and would like this information, shoot us an email and we will be happy to provide you with these statistics.

***Contributions to ALAPAC are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Voluntary political contributions to Alabama Medical PAC (ALAPAC) are not limited to the suggested amount. The Medical Association will not favor or disadvantage anyone based upon the amount or failure to contribute. A portion of the contributions may be used in connection with Federal elections. Corporate funds will be used in either state elections or for education purposes. Federal contributions are subject to the limitations of FEC Regulations 110.1, .2, and .5.

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ALAPAC-Supported Charlotte Meadows Wins Primary Runoff

ALAPAC-Supported Charlotte Meadows Wins Primary Runoff

On Tuesday (August 27th), Charlotte Meadows won the primary runoff election for House District 74 with over 55% of the vote. She now heads to the November 12 General Election.

As the political action committee of the Medical Association, ALAPAC seeks to elect candidates who best represent the professional needs of physicians and their patients. Charlotte Meadows is exactly that type of candidate.

Meadows, the wife of Montgomery physician Allen Meadows, M.D., and a former practice manager, has been heavily supported by ALAPAC since announcing her candidacy.

“I am so grateful to have had the support of ALAPAC, Alabama physicians and their families in this election,” Meadows said.  “I could not have done this without you and I look forward to being a strong voice for medicine in the House of Representatives.”

Thank you to everyone who supported Charlotte in this victory. We hope that you will continue to do so and will help ALAPAC elect more candidates like Charlotte Meadows.

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ALAPAC-Supported Candidate Van Smith Wins Primary Election

ALAPAC-Supported Candidate Van Smith Wins Primary Election

Van Smith, the ALAPAC-supported candidate in the HD 42 special election (Chilton and Autauga counties) this week, beat out three other candidates to win the Republican nomination for HD 42. The vacancy was created due to the death of the late Rep. Jimmy Martin (R).

Mr. Smith secured 57% of the vote in a four-person race, demonstrating strong support for his candidacy to represent HD 42 from both counties in the district. Key to his receipt of financial support from ALAPAC for his campaign were contacts made to ALAPAC by area physicians who have known and worked with Mr. Smith for years and spoke to his interest in rural health matters and support for physicians.

“As an ALAPAC contributor, it’s important to know I have a voice in our campaign support process,” said Lee Carter, M.D., an Autaugaville family physician and HD 42 resident. “I’ve known Van for years and think he will represent our area well and be a voice for rural health issues.”

Mr. Smith moves on to the November 5 General Election. Good luck Van!


Contributions to ALAPAC are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Voluntary political contributions to Alabama Medical PAC (ALAPAC) are not limited to the suggested amount. The Medical Association will not favor or disadvantage anyone based upon the amount or failure to contribute. A portion of the contributions may be used in connection with Federal elections. Corporate funds will be used in either state elections or for education purposes. Federal contributions are subject to the limitations of FEC Regulations 110.1, .2, and .5.

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ALAPAC Update: Thank You to ALL Donors

ALAPAC Update: Thank You to ALL Donors

Last week, we published an article recognizing the 2018-2019 ALAPAC top donors. This week, we say ‘thank you’ to EVERYONE who has contributed.

As the political action committee of the Medical Association, ALAPAC’s advocacy efforts would not be successful without the support of our donors. It is directly because of your generous contributions that we are able to keep the political presence of physicians strong.

Right now, we are in the final stages of our summer campaign to raise $75k in 75 days. So, for those of you who have yet to contribute, THERE IS STILL TIME! We are $35k away from reaching our goal and you can help push us across the finish line.

To those individuals who have already contributed, thank you. Because of your donation, ALAPAC is able to provide financial and technical support to candidates who best represent the professional needs of physicians, their families, and their patients.

Again, thank you! We look forward to finishing this year on a high note and appreciate your support in helping us reach our goal.


2018-2019 ALAPAC Donors


Amanda Jean Williams, M.D.

Mark H. LeQuire, M.D.

Robert Story, M.D.

Sarah Mullican, M.D.

Michael W. Cantrell, M.D.

Masoud Hamidian, M.D.

Sebastian B. Heersink, M.D.

Charles R. Horton, Jr., M.D.

James D. Izer, M.D.

Kurt Arnold Senn, M.D.

Jorge A. Alsip, M.D

Julia L. Boothe, M.D.

James B. Byrne, Jr., M.D.

John Lyman Drew, D.O.

Richard Esham, Sr., M.D.

George Fant, M.D.

Christopher Jason Green, M.D.

John Olen Newcomb, M.D.

Ivan Sequera-Sanchez, M.D.

A. Roland Spedale, Jr., M.D.

William Jay Suggs, M.D.

Gregory Scott Tucker, M.D.

Clint Thomas Wade, M.D.

Jane Ann Weida, M.D.

Thomas James Weida, M.D.

James Vann Worthen, M.D.

Brendan Wyatt, M.D.

Neil Yeager, M.D.

Sara Margaret Mullins, M.D.

Christopher Rauf Ahmed, M.D.

Julia Ann Alexander, M.D.

William W. Beckett, Jr., M.D.

James Scott Bolton, M.D., PC

Stephen Louis Fernandez, M.D.

Liang Gu, M.D.

Anthony DeVan Hollman, M.D.

Charles Hugh Holloway, M.D.

Eric Conrad Lund, M.D.

Brett Lee Storm, M.D.

Stephanie Jiminez, M.D.

James C. Mann, M.D.

John Meigs, Jr., M.D.

Suzanne S. Blaylock, M.D.

Alfred LaShawn Malone, M.D.

Robert Evans Egbert, M.D.

James Reza Fernandez, M.D.

Arden LeRoy Aylor, Jr., M.D.

Michael Andrew Cochran, M.D.

Michael Todd Ellerbusch, M.D.

Alan Thomas Mann, D.O.

Burt Fowler Taylor, M.D.

Glenn M. Woods, M.D.

Robert Williams, M.D.

Richard E. Jones, III, M.D.

W. Michael Asher, M.D.

Michael Canfield, M.D.

Wynne Crawford, M.D.

Jennifer Dollar, M.D.

Gene Lammers, M.D.

Alexis Tanishia Mason, M.D.

John Moorehouse, M.D.

Alvin Smith, M.D.

Kenneth Smithson, M.D.

Weston James Welker, M.D.

Marcus Whitman, Jr., M.D.

Michael Turner, M.D.

Malinda Windham

Matthew Karl Abele, M.D.

Austin Sherel Adams, M.D.

David L. Adams, M.D.

Jeffrey Dean Adams, M.D.

Mark K. Addison, M.D.

William Keith Adkins, M.D.

David Paul Adkison, M.D.

Jarrod Bartlett Adkison, M.D.

Robert Akenhead, M.D.

Jack W. Aland, Jr., M.D.

Kenneth Aldridge, Sr., M.D.

John A. Alexander, M.D.

Ronald Daniel Alfano, M.D.

David W. Alford, M.D.

Darius Gerard Aliabadi, M.D.

Geoffrey Nnamdi Alilonu, M.D.

William Evans Alison, Jr., M.D.

Felix James Allen, M.D.

Robert Keith Allen, M.D.

Mandi Allen-Bell, M.D.

Vipul Thakorbhai Amin, M.D.

Sergey Ananyev, M.D.

Jack Walter Anderson, M.D.

Jeffrey Anderson, M.D.

Jeffrey David Anderson, M.D.

Keith Charles Anderson, D.O.

Mark M. Anderson, M.D.

James R. Andrews, M.D.

Jessica Rian Anglin, M.D.

Bertrand Marquess Anz, M.D.

Joshua Larry Argo, M.D.

Raechel Armstrong, M.D.

Thomas Lee Arnold, Jr., M.D.

Aruna Arora, M.D.

Sarah Elizabeth Aultman, M.D.

James Austin, Jr., M.D.

Daniel M. Avery, Jr., M.D.

Robert Allen Avery, M.D.

Gregory Wayne Ayers, M.D.

Hisham Afif Ba’albaki, M.D.

Boyd L. Bailey, Jr., M.D.

Evans Cecil Bailey, M.D.

James P. Bailey, M.D.

Robert Louie Bailey, Jr., M.D.

Melissa Baird, M.D.

Timothy Darrell Baker, M.D.

Anand Balachandran, M.D.

Gabrielle Baldwin, M.D.

Bryan Balentine, M.D.

Brent Gray Ballard, M.D.

Bhagwan Das Bang, M.D.

Jason T. Banks, M.D.

Jeremy Clark Barlow, M.D.

Harry Barnes, III, M.D.

Clarence W. Barr, III, M.D.

Steve Allen Barrington, M.D.

Blane Edward Bateman, D.O.

Johnny Edward Bates, M.D.

Jennifer Leah Beasley, M.D.

Russell G. Beaty, M.D.

Michael Beckenstein, M.D.

Glenn David Bedsole, M.D.

Leon Williams Bell, III, M.D.

Naresh Bellam, M.D.

Edward J. Benak, Jr., M.D.

Sanders Benkwith, M.D.

Frank Benson, III, M.D.

Robert Julian Bentley, M.D.

Jodie Benton, M.D.

Vincent Bergquist, Jr., M.D.

Scott Douglas Berl, M.D.

Luigi F. Bertoli, M.D.

Igor Bidikov, M.D.

Tatiana Bidikov, M.D.

Retna A. Billano, M.D.

Bradley David Bilton, M.D.

Michael Jesse Bindon, M.D.

John Bivona, Jr., M.D.

Kathrine Trucks Bivona, M.D.

Eric Michael Bixby, M.D.

Sheldon J. Black, M.D.

Sumpter Blackmon, M.D.

Stephen Few Blackstock, M.D.

Elizabeth Blair, M.D.

Lamenda Noel Blakeney, M.D.

Alexander Blankenship, M.D.

John David Blankenship, D.O.

Marc Evan Bloomston, M.D.

Sean Brian Bohannon, M.D.

William Bohannon, D.O.

B. Gregory Bostick, M.D.

Jon Earl Botts, D.O.

Michael Joseph Boucher, M.D.

Greg Bouska, M.D.

Judith Margarete Bowen, M.D.

Steve Bowen, M.D.

James Bowman, III, M.D.

Beverly E. Boyd, M.D.

Frances Boyette, M.D.

Roger Todd Boyington, D.O.

Charles Bradford, IV, M.D.

Merrill N. Bradley, M.D.

John Earl Brandon, M.D.

Susan A. Brannon, M.D.

Maury Bert Bray, III, M.D.

Arthur Mead Britton, M.D.

Fleming G. Brooks, M.D.

Raymond Broughton, M.D.

Eli Lenoir Brown, M.D.

Malcolm Dewitt Brown, M.D.

Michael W. Brown, M.D.

Thomas William Brown, M.D.

Steven Lance Buckley, M.D.

Lynn Randolph Buckner, M.D.

Theodis Buggs, Jr., M.D.

John Bullington, III, M.D.

Daniel Burch, M.D.

Ernest George Burch, M.D.

Kristie Blanchard Burch, M.D.

Jared Locke Burkett, M.D.

Charles Randall Burns, M.D.

Kenneth S. Burton, M.D.

Allen H. Butler, M.D.

James King Byrd, III, M.D.

Jose R. Caballero, M.D.

John F. Cabelka, M.D.

Scott Emerson Caldwell, M.D.

Ronald Calhoun, Jr., M.D.

Michael Alston Callahan, M.D.

Hayley Brooke Campbell, M.D.

John J. Campbell, M.D.

Joseph Martin Cannon, M.D.

John Terry Carlson, M.D.

Charles Totaro Carnel, M.D.

Lee Anthony Carney, M.D.

Edward Ashley Carraway, M.D.

Hernando Carter, M.D.

Agnes M. Cartner, M.D.

Emily Bell Casey, M.D.

Thomas G. Cash, M.D.

Elquis M. Castillo, M.D.

Tony Catanzaro, M.D.

Resit Cem Cezayirli, M.D.

James George Chambers, III, M.D.

Thavatchai Chamnongchareonwong, D.O.

Alfred B. Chance, Jr., M.D.

William Chapman, III, M.D.

Kun Chen, M.D., PhD

Bayer Pei-Yurh Cheng, M.D.

Srinivasa Chennareddy, M.D.

Mitzi Carla Childs, M.D.

Park T. Chittom, II, M.D.

Park Thetford Chittom, M.D.

Neil Leonard Christen, M.D.

Martha Jo Christian, M.D.

Craig Christopher, M.D.

Reid Stuart Christopher, M.D.

Mary Margaret Clapp, M.D.

Carlos Stanford Clark, II, M.D.

Dennis Clark, M.D., DMD

John A.H. Clark, M.D.

Joseph Clark, Sr., M.D.

Stanley Dale Clarke, M.D.

Richard L. Clay, M.D.

Daniel Clower, III, M.D.

Christopher D. Coccia, D.O.

Wayne Cockrell, Jr., M.D.

Brian Cole, M.D.

Richard John Coleman, M.D.

Spencer J. Coleman, M.D.

Stephen Lanier Coleman, M.D.

William H. Coleman, Jr., M.D.

Jeffrey W. Collins, M.D.

Lucille S. Collins, M.D.

Ronald L. Collins, M.D.

Stephen Michael Collins, M.D.

Charles Peyton Colvin, M.D.

Mark Richard Connell, M.D.

James Ryan Conner, M.D.

Robin Kim Conner, M.D.

Michael James Conrad, M.D.

Anthony Brian Cook, M.D.

George Cooper, Jr., M.D.

Gwen Minda Cooper, M.D.

Katharine R. Cooper, M.D., PC

James Mason Corder, III, M.D.

Thomas Robb Corley, M.D.

Brian Corliss, M.D.

Willie J. Cornay, III, M.D.

Chris Cosper, M.D.

John Cox, M.D.

David Thomas Cozart, M.D.

Eric Anthony Crabtree, D.O.

George Crawford, Jr., M.D.

Jacqueline J.E. Crespo, M.D.

Peter A. Crisologo, M.D.

Frank Thomas Crockett, M.D.

William Crotwell, III, M.D.

Kenneth Joseph Crowe, M.D.

Mark Elliott Crowe, M.D.

James Matthew Crumb, M.D.

Jeffrey Steven Cuomo, M.D.

William Alton Curry, M.D.

John Dory Curtis, Jr., M.D.

Joseph Curtis, Jr., M.D.

Daniel C. Dahl, M.D.

Donald Dahlene, Jr., M.D.

Justin Lloyd Daigre, M.D.

Sharon M. Dailey, M.D.

James Scales Daniel, M.D.

Margaret K. Davenport, D.O.

William Brett Davenport, M.D.

Stephen Lee Davidson, M.D.

James Grady Davis, M.D.

James Willard Davis, M.D.

Jeffrey Carl Davis, M.D.

Michael Edward Davis, M.D.

Robert William Davis, M.D.

Lorie Glover Dawson, M.D.

Fulton Gregory De Four, M.D.

Richard Bonniwell Deal, M.D.

Phillip Jordan Dean, M.D.

Ricky G. Deerman, M.D.

Carmelita Prieto DeJesus, M.D.

Ronaldo V. DeJesus, M.D.

Joseph Aaron Desautels, M.D.

Muriel Aline DeSimone, M.D.

Michael F. DeVenny, M.D.

Christian Marie Dey, M.D.

Vick Salvadore Dicarlo, M.D.

Peter Michael DiChiara, M.D.

Elizabeth White Diebel, M.D.

Fred Ferris Diegmann, M.D.

Richard Diethelm, M.D.

Alan Robert Dimick, M.D.

Brian Edward Dix, M.D.

Richard Payne Dodd, M.D.

C. Calvert Dodson, III, M.D.

Timothy J. Doles, M.D.

James R. Dollar, M.D.

David Kevin Donahoe, M.D.

Jean-Pierre D. Donahue, M.D.

Katherine Donnithorne, M.D.

Scott Edward Dorin, M.D.

Huguette Douyon, D.O.

Craig Michael Dowden, M.D.

Jennifer Leigh Doyle, M.D.

Philip Mathew Dozier, M.D.

Michael A. Drummond, M.D.

John R. Dunn, Jr., M.D.

Robert Frizzi Dunn, M.D.

Brian Paul Dupont, M.D.

Allen Raynold Dupre, M.D.

Sandra Lynne Durham, M.D.

Ritky C. Dy, M.D.

Charles Louis Dyas, Jr., M.D.

Jeffrey Dyer-Smith, M.D.

Robert Eichelberger, M.D.

Charles Edward Eldridge, M.D.

Emmett Scott Elledge, M.D.

Kenneth Ellingwood, M.D.

Charles Edward Elliott, M.D.

Kevin Scott Ellis, M.D.

Russell Louil Ellis, M.D.

Robert Engles, Jr., M.D.

Larry W. Epperson, M.D.

Nola Jean Ernest, M.D.

Heather Estopinal, M.D.

Greg Edward Eudy, M.D.

David Evans, M.D.

Olan Neal Evans, M.D.

Spencer Evenhuis, D.O.

Raynard Fabianke, M.D.

Stevan Craig Fairburn, M.D.

Tara Mitchell Fales, M.D.

Howard Joseph Falgout, M.D.

Elizabeth T. Falkenberg, M.D.

Sohrab Fallahi, M.D.

Stephen Reeves Favrot, M.D.

John P. K. Featheringill, M.D.

Jian Feng, M.D.

Lee C. Ferguson, D.O.

Silous Cyle Ferguson, M.D.

Dennis L. Fernandez, M.D.

Matthew Lewis Figh, M.D.

John Stewart Fischer, M.D.

William Fitzpatrick, III, M.D.

Michael Flanagan, M.D.

James Allmon Flatt, M.D.

Isadore Keith Fleisher, M.D.

Charles Fletcher, Jr., M.D.

Andre J. Fontana, M.D.

John Caffey Foster, M.D.

Kendal I. Foster, M.D.

Warren Foster, M.D.

Gary M. Fowler, M.D.

David Philip Franco, M.D.

Michael Freeman, M.D.

Richard Freeman, M.D.

Scott Freeman, M.D.

Wilford French, III, M.D.

Luc Frenette, M.D.

Patricia Louise Frierson, M.D.

Paul Jeffrey Fry, M.D.

Jonathan Fuller, D.O.

Keith Lyle Fuller, D.O.

Charles Funderburk, M.D.

Gregory Stephen Funk, D.O.

Steven Paul Furr, M.D.

Michael Gene Gaines, M.D.

Charles Eric Gambla, M.D.

William Andrew Gammill, D.O.

Timothy Hugh Gannon, M.D.

Roddie Roy Gantt, M.D.

Filomeno Gapultos, Jr., M.D.

Charles A. Gaputis, D.O.

Sandra Pessoa Garcia, M.D.

Sharon F. Gardepe, M.D. PC

William K. Garretson, D.O.

Thomas Allen Gaskin, III, M.D.

Larry F. Gazzini, M.D.

Michael Gerhardt, M.D.

James Daniel Geyer, M.D.

S. Nixon Gillespie, M.D.

Corey Gilliland, D.O.

Mary Elizabeth Gilmer, M.D.

Brad Ginevan, M.D.

Reginald D. Gladish, M.D.

John Gleason, Jr., M.D.

John Gleysteen, M.D.

John Rickey Gober, M.D.

Raymond Godsil, Jr., M.D.

William Erwin Goetter, M.D.

Howard Mark Goldberg, M.D.

Bill Golden, M.D.

Michael Goodlett, M.D.

Bradly Sean Goodman, M.D.

Jeffrey Goodman, M.D.

Rupa Desai Goolsby, M.D.

John H. Gordon, D.O.

Ronald E. Graham, D.O.

Michael L. Granberry, M.D.

Dale Morris Greene, M.D.

Anthony Scott Greer, M.D.

David Gentry Greer, M.D.

Rolf Parker Griffith, Jr., M.D.

Benjamin Charles Griggs, M.D.

Donald Charles Gross, M.D.

James Christian Grotting, M.D.

Robert Eugene Grubbe, M.D.

Patrick Daniel Guin, M.D.

Gregory Brinker Gullung, M.D.

Gregory Kevin Gum, M.D.

Vikas Gupta, M.D.

William Q. Gurley, Jr., M.D.

Robin Melissa Gwaltney, M.D.

Roy Thomas Hager, M.D.

Karl T. Hagler, M.D.

Robert Martin Hagler, M.D.

Delbert H. Hahn, M.D.

Bernard T. Hale, M.D.

Randall L. Hall, M.D.

William Michael Hall, M.D.

Wael Hamo, M.D.

George Mathews Handey, M.D.

Gordon Townsend Hardy, M.D.

Nancy Johnson Haring, M.D.

Rodney Tyler Harney, M.D.

Julie C. Harper, M.D.

Andrew G. Harrell, M.D.

James Bernard Harrell, M.D.

William B. Harris, M.D.

Adam Charles Harrison, D.O.

Boyde Jerome Harrison, M.D.

George Harrison, III, M.D.

James Max Harrison, Jr., M.D.

Melinda B. Hart, M.D.

Charles W. Hartzog, Jr., M.D.

Zia Hassan, M.D.

Jack Harold Hasson, M.D.

Jeffrey William Hawkins, M.D.

William Hawley, M.D.

Charles Hayden, Jr., M.D.

Walter Haynes, III, M.D.

Christopher Heck, M.D.

Marnix Heersink, M.D.

Jay Thomas Heidecker, M.D.

Eric Johan Hemberg, M.D.

George P. Hemstreet, IV, M.D.

Bret Thomas Henderson, M.D.

Ron Henderson, M.D.

Ernest Lee Hendrix, M.D.

John Hendrix, III, M.D.

Cherrie Salazar Herrera, M.D.

Danilo Victor Herrera, M.D.

David P. Herrick, M.D.

Mark D. Herron, M.D.

Andrew Barrett Hester, M.D.

Roland Hester, IV, M.D.

R. Keith Hill, M.D.

William Hill, Jr., M.D.

Don Ray Hirsbrunner, M.D.

Scott Hitchcock, D.O.

Brian W. Hixon, M.D.

Frank K. Hixon, M.D.

Durwood Hodges, Jr., M.D.

David Ward Hodo, M.D.

Derek K. Holcombe, M.D.

Edsel Price Holden, II, M.D.

Gary Edward Holland, M.D.

Gilbert Richard Holland, M.D.

William L. Holman, M.D.

David Glenn Holmes, M.D.

Jon David Holmes, M.D.

Ira Hawkins Holt, M.D.

Timothy Albert Holt, M.D.

Michael B. Honan, M.D.

Laverne James Hoover, M.D.

Jerry Wayne Hope, M.D.

Joseph Abraham Horton, M.D.

Gary Lee Howard, M.D.

Robert Howell, III, M.D.

Zenko J. Hrynkiw, M.D. PC

Russell Hudgens, M.D.

Alcus Ray Hudson, M.D.

William Edward Hughes, M.D.

William Humphrey, Jr., M.D.

Alex Trent Hunt, M.D.

Charles Austin Hunt, II, M.D.

Lewis A. Hunt, III, M.D.

Lorena Estelle Hunt, M.D.

Robert Edward Hunt, M.D.

Robert Leslie Hutto, M.D.

Farrah I. Ibrahim, M.D.

Mohammad Fateh Ismail, M.D.

James Hajime Isobe, M.D.

Paul Garrett Israel, M.D.

Stephanie W. Israel, M.D.

Joshua Daniel Ivker, M.D.

Jason Michael Jack, M.D.

David Broward Jackson, M.D.

Michael Keith Jacobs, M.D.

Tracy Christine Jacobs, M.D.

Elizabeth Jacobson, M.D.

James Thurman Jakes, M.D.

Heather Christine James, M.D.

Terry Matthew James, M.D.

Vijay Rao Jampala, M.D.

Chad Anthony Jenkins, M.D.

Jonathan Jennings, M.D.

Victor Keith Jiminez, M.D.

Joshua B.E. Johannson, M.D.

Bobby N. Johnson, M.D.

Donald Lee Johnson, M.D.

Evan Michael Johnson, D.O.

Joseph Johnson, Jr., M.D.

Robert Johnson, Jr., M.D.

William Johnson, III, M.D.

Michael W. Johnston, M.D.

Nicole Bishop Johnston, M.D.

Aaron Eroy Joiner, Jr., M.D.

Michael Daniel Jokich, M.D.

Dewey H. Jones, IV, M.D.

James Jones, III, M.D.

Jessica Northcutt, M.D.

Kyle M. Jones, M.D.

William Paul Jones, M.D.

Beverly F. Jordan, M.D.

Joseph Rayburn Jowers, M.D.

Paul Judson, III, M.D.

John Kahler, M.D.

Krishna Kakani, M.D.

Vincent Karolewics, M.D.

J. Michael Karst, M.D.

Bradley Phillip Katz, M.D.

John S. Keebler, M.D.

Edwin A. Keel, M.D.

Weddington Kelley, M.D.

David R. Kelly, M.D.

Stephen Joseph Kelly, M.D.

Kevin Meers Kennedy, M.D.

Richard Duane Key, M.D.

Huey Randolph Kidd, D.O.

Travis Eugene Kidd, Jr., M.D.

Jennifer Lynn Kiessling, M.D.

SangAe Kim-Park, M.D. PC

Thomas G. Kincer, M.D.

Christopher King, M.D.

Wesley William King, M.D.

Francis Kinney, M.D., PhD

John Shirk Kirchner, M.D.

Lynne Potts Kirkland, M.D.

Alan Frederick Kitchens, M.D.

Richard Klimas, M.D. PhD

Robert J. Knowling, M.D.

Henry Jacob Koch, M.D.

Deborah Booher Kolb, M.D.

Gary Edward Kolb, D.O.

Chaihan U. Korn, M.D.

Stephen Frank Kowalski, M.D.

Kurt Kraft, M.D.

David A. Kraftsow, M.D.

Thomas John Kraus, D.O.

Bill Krauss, D.O.

Susan Davis Kreher, M.D.

Robert Kreutzmann, M.D.

Harry Willi Kuberg, M.D.

Terry Alan Kurtts, M.D.

Edmund Gerard LaCour, M.D.

Marilyn Lachman, M.D.

Thomas Kevin Lackey, M.D.

Ma Rayo Ladisla, M.D.

William Ivan Lapidus, M.D.

Michael H. Lasecki, M.D.

Elmar Maria Lawaczeck, M.D.

Emily Lazenby, M.D.

Aimee Alisabeth League, M.D.

Scott W. LeCroy, M.D.

Danny Kim Lee, M.D.

Hank S. Lee, M.D.

Harry A. Lee, M.D.

James Shu-Lei Lee, M.D.

Rony R. Lee, M.D.

William Aull Leitner, M.D.

Horace Baltzer LeJeune, M.D.

Gary Francis Leung, M.D.

Gordon W. Lewis, M.D.

Lovdie Anne Lewis, M.D.

William Lightfoot, M.D.

Marilyn Salada Ligon, M.D.

Craig E. Lincoln, M.D.

Kathy Cody Lindsey, D.O.

Mark S. Lindsey, D.O.

Greg R. Lipscomb, M.D.

Stephen Edward Litsey, M.D.

Randall Eugene Little, M.D.

Lee Headley Loftin, M.D.

Lajuana S. Logan, M.D.

Harry Edward Logue, M.D.

Robert Dean Lolley, M.D.

Casey Alan Long, M.D.

John Looney, M.D.

Rafael Alberto Lopez, M.D.

Rick G. Love, M.D.

Elizabeth J. Low, M.D.

Michael Joseph Lunsford, M.D.

Steven Lynn Mackey, M.D.

Sudhakar Madanagopal, M.D.

Prathyusha Maddela, M.D.

Michael C. Madden, M.D.

Christina E. Maddox, M.D.

James Stephen Maddox, M.D.

Philip Arthur Maddox, M.D.

Ramzi Adil Malek, M.D.

Srinivas Mallempati, M.D.

Stephen Guy Mallette, D.O.

Lloyd Andrew Manchikes, M.D.

George William Manifold, M.D.

Mark Allen Manning, M.D.

Jeffrey Derrick Manord, M.D.

John Andrew Mantle, M.D.

Donald Ray Marecle, M.D.

Scott S. Margolies, M.D.

Jeffrey Michael Markham, M.D.

Edward Markushewski, M.D.

Tyler James Marshall, M.D.

Keith Christopher Martin, M.D.

Terry K. Martin, M.D.

James Lee Masdon, M.D.

Nicole Masimasi, M.D.

Tamara Ann Mason, M.D.

Daniel Eugene Matthews, M.D.

Quinton Dean Matthews, M.D.

Tucker Mattox, M.D.

Robert McAlister, Jr., M.D.

Jerrel Brad McAnalley, M.D.

Charles McCallum, Jr., M.D.

Bryan McClelland, M.D.

Robert Scott McCord, M.D.

Patricia McCoy, M.D.

Gary Lee McCulloch, M.D.

Thomas McCulloch, M.D.

Diana McCutcheon, M.D.

Scott Andrew McDaniel, M.D.

Chad Wade McElroy, M.D.

Norman McGowin, III, M.D.

Kevin David McIntosh, M.D.

Tamara Ann McIntosh, M.D.

Matthew Griffin McIntyre, M.D.

David R. McKenzie, M.D.

Aaron B. McKinley, M.D.

David Andrew McLain, M.D.

Landon McLain, M.D., DMD

Pamela Fullmer McLain, M.D.

Jack McLendon, Jr., M.D.

John M. McMahon, Jr., M.D.

James Gordon McMurray, M.D.

Dennis W. McNally, D.O.

Melissa McNally, M.D.

Duncan Burwell McRae, M.D.

Wilton David McRae, M.D.

John Allen Meadows, M.D.

William Meadows, Jr., M.D.

Gregory Meiman, M.D.

Wahib Mena, M.D.

John W. Menard, M.D.

Carmelo Cabalu Mendiola, M.D.

Max Michael, III, M.D.

Kevin Philip Michaels, M.D.

Jennifer Leigh Michelson, M.D.

Guy M. Middleton, M.D.

Howard Glenn Miller, M.D.

Joshua Bailey Miller, D.O.

Melanie Miller, M.D.

Paul Caudill Miller, M.D.

Samuel Lamar Miller, M.D.

Tom Lyle Mitchell, Jr., M.D.

David Charles Montiel, M.D.

Gregg Phillip Moody, M.D.

Alan Lee Moore, M.D.

Ernest Griffin Moore, Jr., M.D.

Thomas Moore, II, M.D.

Parham Mora, M.D.

Alice Morgan, M.D., PhD

Bruce Arthur Morgan, M.D.

David Hoover Morgan, M.D.

Randall Keith Morgan, M.D.

Shannon Morgan, M.D.

Lawrence Morgese, M.D.

Daniel Lee Morris, M.D.

Felix Arthur Morris, M.D.

James Elijah Morris, Jr., M.D.

Robert Edward Morris, M.D.

Gary Keith Morton, M.D.

Jerry Vann Mosley, M.D.

James Ronald Moss, M.D.

Paul Motta, D.O.

Rebecca Anne Moul, D.O.

Rama L. Mukkamala, M.D.

Christopher D. Mullenix, M.D.

Bryan Chance Mullins, M.D.

Cesar Elias Munoz, M.D.

Randall Murphy, M.D.

Shannon Mary Murphy, M.D.

Rhett B. Murray, M.D.

Trupti Nadkar, M.D.

Paul Michael Nagrodzki, M.D.

Lionel Z. Naylor, M.D.

Blake D. Neal, M.D.

John Wesley Nelson, M.D.

Nina P. Nelson-Garrett, M.D.

Robert Wood Nesbitt, M.D.

Brent Morris Newell, M.D.

Robins Jeffrey Newton, M.D.

George E. Ngando, M.D.

Do Tu Nguyen, M.D.

John G. Nicholas, M.D.

Christopher Nicholls, M.D.

Randall Wayne Nichols, M.D.

Joseph Nicholson, M.D.

Susmitha Nimmagadda, M.D.

Paul Edward Noel, M.D.

Charles Nolen, Jr., M.D.

Thomas McCotrie Nolen, M.D.

Craig A. Nordhues, M.D.

William B. Norris, M.D.

Marian Northington, M.D.

Adam Ross Nortick, M.D.

Ronald O’Gorman, M.D.

Godehard Oepen, M.D., PhD

Charles Alan Ogles, M.D.

Paul James O’Leary, M.D.

Robert Irwin Oliver, M.D.

Robert I. Oliver, Jr., M.D.

Thomas Bryan Oliver, M.D.

Matthew Henry Oltmanns, M.D.

Patrick J. O’Neill, M.D.

Guy Coleman Oswalt, Jr., M.D.

William I. Owen, Jr., M.D.

Dick Owens, M.D.

Kimberly Owens, M.D.

Thomas Nelson Owens, M.D.

Richard Allen Oyler, M.D.

Stephen R. Parden, M.D.

Christopher A. Park, M.D.

Elizabeth Ingram Parker, M.D.

Gregory K. Parker, M.D.

Marylynn Wells Parker, M.D.

David Nathan Pate, M.D.

Ajay Popatlal Patel, M.D.

Ghanshyam Patel, M.D.

Praful Gulabbhai Patel, M.D.

William Patton, M.D.

William Alan Paul, M.D.

Victor Enerio Pena, M.D.

Thomas Carl Pendleton, M.D.

W. Scott Pennington, Jr., M.D.

Tarek O. Persaud, M.D.

Glenn Eidson Peters, M.D.

Chris Aric Phillips, M.D.

Ellen D. Phillips, M.D.

Matthew Eugene Phillips, M.D.

Robert Phillips, Jr., M.D.

Justin W. Phillpott, M.D.

Paul Pickard, M.D.

Joel Dean Pickett, M.D.

James Conrad Pierce, M.D.

Luis Pineda-Pineda, M.D.

Ron Benton Pitkanen, M.D.

Joel Candler Pittard, M.D.

James Dunbar Pollard, M.D.

Daniel C. Potts, M.D., F.A.A.N.

Randy M. Pounders, M.D.

Benjamin David Powell, M.D.

Thomas Edward Powell, M.D.

Mihir Mohan Pradhan, M.D.

Mark Alan Prevost, M.D.

Gregory D. Price, Sr., M.D.

Mary Ann Busch Pritchett, M.D.

James Bradley Proctor, M.D.

Randy Douglas Proffitt, M.D.

Bryan Lee Pruitt, M.D.

Vernon L. Pruitt, M.D.

Wallace Burl Purdy, M.D.

James Wesley Rabon, M.D.

Rebecca B. Raby, M.D.

Ryan D. Rainer, M.D.

Rishi Raj Rajan, M.D.

Michael J. Ramsey, M.D.

Jason Randall, M.D.

Richard Randall, M.D.

Christopher Randolph, M.D.

Kristina E. Ray, M.D.

Russell W. Read, M.D., PhD

Edgar Lowndes Ready, IV, M.D.

John Reardon, Jr., M.D.

Zachary David Reardon, M.D.

Ralph Bernard Redd, M.D.

Venkatapuram Reddy, M.D.

Emily Kahler Rehberg, M.D.

Jonathan Rehberg, M.D.

Caroline Reich, M.D.

Andrew Willcox Reiland, D.O.

Debora S. Reiland, D.O.

Tim Sidney Revels, M.D.

David Nelson Rhyne, M.D.

Brian C. Richards, D.O.

H. Lee Richardson, Jr., M.D.

Kenneth Joe Richardson, M.D.

Braden Richmond, M.D.

Paul Jeffrey Rickert, M.D.

John Randall Riehl, M.D.

Albert E. Rivera, D.O.

Mary Elizabeth Robbins, M.D.

John Richard Roberts, M.D.

Mark Anthony Roberts, M.D.

Roy Franklin Roberts, M.D.

Steven Pearce Roberts, M.D.

James B. Robinson, M.D.

Robert D. Robinson, M.D.

Thomas Robinson, M.D.

Yashica Robinson-White, M.D.

Mackenzie Rodgers, M.D.

Robert L. Roe, M.D.

Benjamin Michael Rogers, M.D.

Brian Edward Rogers, M.D.

Charles M. A. Rogers, IV, M.D.

Helen Hobbs Rogers, M.D.

Mark Edward Rogers, M.D.

Juan Felix Ronderos, M.D.

Harry Rosenthal, III, M.D.

Christen T. Roth, M.D.

Daniel Elliott Rousso, M.D.

Ellen Lewis Royal, M.D.

Bradley A. Rubery, M.D.

James Garber Rudulph, M.D.

Michael Brant Ruff, M.D.

Naykala Alwis Ruse, M.D.

Alex David Russakoff, M.D.

Gary Nelson Russell, M.D.

Melvin Douglas Russell, M.D.

Jill Arnita Rutherford, M.D.

Kevin Patrick Ryan, M.D.

Jefferson Sabatini, M.D.

Anil Pal Saini, D.O.

Vikram T. Saini, M.D.

Hector L. Salemi, M.D.

Samuel Joseph Saliba, M.D.

Stephen Samelson, M.D.

F. Calame Sammons, M.D.

William Ralph Sanderson, M.D.

Arthur Dwight Sandy, M.D.

Teddy Wayne Sartin, M.D.

Perry Lauren Savage, Jr., M.D.

Perry Lauren Savage, Sr., M.D.

Joseph Christian Scales, M.D.

Morris Lee Scherlis, M.D.

Allen James Schmidt, M.D.

Benjamin Schrubbe, M.D.

Martha Anne Schuh, M.D. P.C.

Todd Kerry Schultz, M.D.

Allan Schwadron, M.D.

Robert James Sciacca, M.D.

Franklin Delano Scott, M.D.

Gary Wayne Scott, M.D.

Melanie Hill Scott, M.D.

Paul Anthony Scott, Sr., M.D.

Jason Randall Seale, M.D.

Larry Michael Segers, M.D.

Reza David Seirafi, M.D.

Libby Lovett Shadinger, M.D.

Amit Kiritkumar Shah, M.D.

Smita S. Shah, M.D.

Alan Roy Shain, M.D.

Sunil Kumar Sharma, M.D.

Charles Eugene Sharp, Jr., M.D.

Richard Scott Sharp, M.D.

Sara E. S. Shashy, M.D.

John C. Shearer, M.D.

Robert D. Shedden, D.O.

Grantham McAleer Shell, M.D.

Raymond Sheppard, Jr., M.D.

William Julius Shergy, M.D.

In Chul Shin, M.D.

Aaron Timothy Shinkle, M.D.

William Bradley Shirah, M.D.

Stuart Louis Siegal, M.D.

Maxcie Sikora, M.D.

John F. Simmons, M.D.

L. Clark Simpson, M.D.

William F. Simpson, Jr., M.D.

Anthony Clark Sims, M.D.

Hemant Kumar Sinha, M.D.

Brandon Slagley, Sr., M.D.

Donald Floyd Slappey, M.D.

David Lee Smith, M.D.

George Smith, M.D.

Jeffrey Todd Smith, M.D.

Joe Frank Smith, M.D.

Kelley Wade Smith, M.D.

Michael David Smith, M.D.

Rodney Vann Snead, M.D.

Rodney Michael Snow, M.D.

Vera Yen Soong, M.D.

Wiley Soong, M.D.

Robert Gordon Sorrell, M.D.

Jimmy M. Sparks, M.D.

Danielle Franklin Speight, M.D.

William Robert Spiegel, M.D.

Ellen N. Spremulli, M.D.

Murray Dale Spruiell, M.D.

Wesley L. Spruill, M.D.

N. Sherrie Squyres, M.D.

Deepak Venkat Sree, M.D.

Angela LaFaye Stallworth, M.D.

Robert Joseph Stanley, M.D.

John Garth Stauffer, M.D.

Kelsey Tedin Steensland, M.D.

Felicia Beth Stella, M.D.

Selden Stephens, III, M.D.

Frederick Stevens, M.D.

Jeff Lovvorn Stewart, M.D.

John Alvan Stewart, M.D.

Jeremy Vesbon Stidham, M.D.

Karen E. Stone, M.D.

Martha Jane Strange, M.D.

John Straughn, Jr., M.D.

Jeffrey Blake Stricker, D.O.

Warren Strickland, III, M.D.

Larry Collins Stutts, M.D.

Robert Suber, Jr., M.D.

Kevin Leonard Sublett, M.D.

William Douglas Sudduth, M.D.

Paula J. Sullivan, D.O.

William Francis Sullivan, M.D.

John Herbert Sumners, M.D.

Douglas Sutherland, M.D.

Raymond Sutkowski, M.D.

John Luther Swan, II, M.D.

Michael Swearingen, D.O.

Faizullah Syed, M.D.

Steven Harvey Sykes, M.D.

Timothy Bret Tabor, M.D.

Amy Marie Takacs, M.D.

Timothy Scott Talbot, M.D., FACEP, FAWM

William D. Talley, Jr., M.D.

Jeffrey Tamburin, M.D.

Ashley Adams Tamucci, M.D.

Cheng Wei Tao, M.D.

Robert Stacy Tapscott, M.D.

Mehrdad Mark Tavakoli, M.D.

Laura Lee Taylor, M.D.

Sara Bethea Taylor, M.D.

Summers W. Taylor, III, M.D.

Kent Taylor, M.D.

Ralph Joe Teague, M.D.

Grace Emerson Terrell, M.D.

Nina L. J. Terry, M.D.

James D. Thacker, Jr., M.D.

Matthew Robert Thom, M.D.

Richard Brian Thoma, M.D.

Bradley P. Thomas, M.D.

Carla A. N. Thomas, M.D.

Charles E. Thomas, M.D.

Christie Susan Thomas, M.D.

Richard Thomason, Jr., M.D.

Thomas Thomasson, IV, M.D.

Charles Thompson, M.D.

Keith Thompson, M.D.

Warren Alan Thompson, M.D.

Donald Thornbury, Jr., M.D.

John Winchester Tole, D.O.

Louisa Tolentino, M.D.

Roxanne R. Travelute, M.D.

Phillip A. Triantos, M.D.

Jack Walden Trigg, Jr., M.D.

Charlton Ham Trinidad, M.D.

Anthony Lynn Tropeano, M.D.

Pamela Pollard Tuck, M.D.

Patrick Tucker, M.D.

Hussein Wafik Turki, M.D.

Paul A. Turner, M.D.

Sibley Neel Turner, M.D.

Alan Cleveland Turnham, M.D.

Unal Tutak, M.D.

Scottie Lynn Twilley, D.O.

Stephen G. Tygart, M.D.

Eric Tyler, M.D.

Gregory Wayne Umphrey, M.D.

Jefferson Underwood, M.D

Joshua Dean Vacik, M.D.

Kendall Charles Vague, M.D.

Kenneth George Varley, M.D.

Pamela D. Varner, M.D.

Wallace Vaughan, Jr., M.D.

Harold Russell Veits, M.D.

Teresa Venz-Williamson, M.D.

Adam Patrick Vogt, M.D.

Merle Wade, M.D.

Van Russell Wadlington, M.D.

John Henry Wagner, III, M.D.

George Wakefield, III, M.D.

James Hodo Walburn, M.D.

George Walcott, Jr., M.D.

Benjamin H. Walker, M.D.

Robert Charles Walker, M.D.

Teresa Weeks Walker, M.D.

Joseph C. Wallace, M.D.

Gregory A. Waller, M.D.

Joseph P. Walsh, M.D.

Allison Warren, M.D.

Michael Gerard Waters, D.O.

Lauren Watrous, D.O.

Gene L. Watterson, Jr., M.D.

Ralph Weatherford, M.D.

Jere Hyland Weaver, M.D.

Jeffery Clovis Weeks, M.D.

Robert Weinacker, III, M.D.

William Welborn, Jr., M.D.

Ryan Smith Weldon, M.D.

Michael Aubrey Wells, M.D.

Donna Huffman West, M.D.

Kimberly A. Westbrook, M.D.

Douglas John Wester, Jr., M.D.

William Whatley, III, M.D.

Charles Fox White, Jr., M.D.

Suanne White-Spunner, M.D.

John Grant Wideman, M.D.

William C. Wilkerson, M.D.

Duane J. Williams, M.D.

Jane N. Williams, M.D.

Jerry Brent Williams, M.D.

Mark Williams, M.D., MBA, JD.

Robert M. Williams, M.D.

Faye Sebrina Wilson, M.D.

Mark Edward Wilson, M.D.

Peter Strautins Wilson, M.D.

Stanley Blakeley Winslow, M.D.

Stephen Eugene Winston, M.D.

Catherine Le Neave Wood, M.D.

Michael Tyler Wood, M.D.

Howard Woodford, M.D.

Ronald Workman, Jr., M.D.

Benjamin Wouters, M.D.

Maarten A. J. Wybenga, M.D.

David Frank Wynne, M.D.

James Richard Yates, M.D.

Michael Douglas Yates, M.D.

Ruth A. Yates, M.D.

Lynn Earl Yonge, M.D.

Johnny Shan Young, M.D.

Walter Clark Young, M.D.

Jess H. Youngblood, M.D.

Nidal Abdel-Hafiz Yunis, M.D.

Roderick Zalamea, M.D.

Cheryl Anita Zimmerman, M.D.

Peter Zloty, M.D.

Njeri C. Maina, M.D.

Michael Wayne Brown, M.D.

Eldred M. Brunson, M.D.

Hoyt Abner Childs, III, M.D.

Ronnie Tsang-Choi Chu, M.D.

Gilbert Niles Clinton, II, M.D.

Justin T. Cooke, M.D.

Dennis Delmar Doblar, M.D.

Robert Welch Hannahan, M.D.

Hamad Husainy, D.O.

Kristopher N. Jones, M.D.

Wonsuck Kim, D.O.

Michael Manogue, M.D.

Harry James McCarty, III, M.D.

John D. Morris, M.D.

Kaicee Ponds Richardson, M.D.

David Joseph Riddle, M.D.

Nicole McLaurine Shaw, M.D.

Joseph Matthew Ingram, M.D.

Derek Woessner, M.D.

Samantha Gail Linden, D.O.

Jacob Anthony Vella, M.D.

Benjamin Terrell Rush, D.O.

Gilbert Reid Melson, III, D.O.

Michael Neil Downing, M.D.

Lotfi Bashir, M.D.

Barton B. Cook, M.D.

Patrick Scott Harris, M.D.

Michael J. Sillers, M.D.

Stephen Steinmetz, M.D.

Steven Stokes, M.D.

Michael S. Vaughn, M.D.

Mark Arnall, M.D.

Jim Bankston, M.D.

William P. Blackburn, M.D.

J. Gary Bridges, D.O.

Robert C. Brown, M.D.

Joseph D. Clay, M.D.

Darla Cowart, M.D.

Bernard Eichold, II, M.D.

Ronald Dwyer Franks, M.D.

Michael Conrad Gosney, M.D.

Robert D. Griffith, M.D.

Christy James Guepet, M.D.

Sarah Hays, M.D.

Rebecca Lindsey Hicks, M.D.

Paul Lavender, M.D.

John D. McArthur, M.D.

Angela McCool-Pearson, M.D.

Andrew Charles Morris, M.D.

Peter Nagi, M.D.

Charles Thomas Nevels, M.D.

George Purves, M.D.

Michael Quinn, M.D.

Matt Sherrer, M.D.

Joshua Keith Terry, M.D.

Steven Theiss, M.D.

Duane Michael Tippets, D.O.

Duane D. Tippets, M.D.

Arthur Fulkerson Toole, III, M.D.

Kenneth Luckie Vandervoort, M.D.

Theo D. Wages, III, D.O.

Jeffrey Lowell Weeks, M.D.

Michael Roger Wiedmer, M.D.

Reddoch E. Williams, III, M.D.

Thomas A. Guess, M.D.

Christopher Hillman, M.D.

Nerrin Zaharias, M.D.

Irene Bailey, M.D.

Jo Herzog, M.D.

Lata Ravindra Patil, M.D.

John Dudley Glover, M.D.

Charlie Williams, M.D.

Paul A. Davis, M.D.

David Adkison, M.D.

Trey Baird, M.D.

Thomas M. Barbour, III, M.D.

Steve A. Barrington, M.D.

Vince Bergquist, Jr., M.D.

Stephen F. Blackstock, M.D.

James R. Bowman, III, M.D.

Steven L. Buckley, M.D.

Jared L. Burkett, M.D.

Matthew L. Busbee, M.D.

Joseph W. Clark, Sr., M.D.

James M. Cockrell, M.D.

Jeffrey M. Conrad, M.D.

Stephen B. Cope, M.D.

William A. Crotwell, III, M.D.

Jeffrey Cuomo, M.D.

John D. Curtis, Jr., M.D.

Joseph F. Curtis, Jr., M.D.

Justin L. Daigre, M.D.

Jim G. Davis, M.D.

Jeffrey C. Davis, M.D.

Michael E. Davis, M.D.

David K. Donahoe, M.D.

Todd D. Engerson, M.D.

Michael A. Eslava, M.D.

Jack Featheringill, M.D.

Charles T. Fletcher, Jr., M.D.

Michael E. Freeman, M.D.

Timothy L. Frerichs, M.D.

Michael C. Gerhardt, M.D.

Mary E. Gilmer, M.D.

Ray Godsil, Jr., M.D.

Jeffrey H. Goodman, M.D.

Patrick D. Guin, M.D.

Gregory B. Gullung, M.D.

Albert F. Haas, M.D.

Adam J. Handwerger, M.D.

Gordon T. Hardy, M.D.

Christopher A. Heck, M.D.

Andrew B. Hester, M.D.

Roland A. Hester, IV, M.D.

Don R. Hirsbrunner, M.D.

Gilbert R. Holland, M.D.

Timothy A. Holt, M.D.

Clinton W. Howard, IV, M.D.

Robert E. Howell, III, M.D.

Joseph M. Ingram, M.D.

Jonathan K. Jennings, M.D.

Aaron E. Joiner, Jr., M.D.

Jacob F. Kidder, M.D.

John S. Kirchner, M.D.

Dean Lolley, M.D.

Philip A. Maddox, M.D.

Tyler J. Marshall, M.D.

Lowell D. Mason, II, M.D.

Daniel E. Matthews, M.D.

Tucker Mattox, Jr., M.D.

Robert B. McGinley, M.D.

Joseph F. McGowin, III, M.D.

Richard M. McKean, M.D.

Howard G. Miller, M.D.

Sam Miller, M.D.

Andrew C. Morris, M.D.

Rebecca A. Moul, D.O.

Randall L. Murphy, Jr., M.D.

William I. Park, IV, M.D.

Christopher Patton, M.D.

Bendt P. Petersen, III, M.D.

Tom Powell, M.D.

Mark A. Prevost, M.D.

James N. Rachel, M.D.

Jason T. Randall, M.D.

Tim S. Revels, M.D.

Randy Riehl, M.D.

Steve P. Roberts, M.D.

Mark E. Rogers, M.D.

Gary N. Russell, M.D.

Guy L. Rutledge, III, M.D.

Brad Sabatini, M.D.

Steve Samelson, M.D.

Calame Sammons, M.D.

Lauren Savage, Jr., M.D.

Perry L. Savage, Sr., M.D.

Scott Sharp, M.D.

Grantham Shell, M.D.

Jeffrey T. Smith, M.D.

Robert G. Sorrell, M.D.

Murray D. Spruiell, M.D.

William D. Sudduth, M.D.

Stacy Tapscott, M.D.

Burt F. Taylor, M.D.

Steven M. Theiss, M.D.

Thomas J. Thomasson, IV, M.D.

Davis Thornbury, Jr., M.D.

Duane M. Tippets, D.O.

Anthony L. Tropeano, M.D.

Hussein W. Turki, M.D.

Kendall C. Vague, M.D.

Kenneth L. Vandervoort, M.D.

Todd K. Volkman, M.D.

George D. Walcott, Jr., M.D.

Milton A. Wallace, Jr., M.D.

James L. West, III, M.D.

Michael R. Wiedmer, M.D.

Charles H. Wilson, IV, M.D.

Derek A. Woessner, M.D.

James V. Worthen, M.D.


Contributions to ALAPAC are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Voluntary political contributions to Alabama Medical PAC (ALAPAC) are not limited to the suggested amount. The Medical Association will not favor or disadvantage anyone based upon the amount or failure to contribute. A portion of the contributions may be used in connection with Federal elections. Corporate funds will be used in either state elections or for education purposes. Federal contributions are subject to the limitations of FEC Regulations 110.1, .2, and .5.

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ALAPAC Announces Support for Van Smith

ALAPAC Announces Support for Van Smith

The Alabama Medical PAC (ALAPAC) is pleased to announce its support for Van Smith (R) in the House District 42 special primary election.  HD42 covers Chilton and Autauga counties, and the special election will be held on Tuesday, August 20.

As the official political committee of the Medical Association, ALAPAC seeks to elect candidates who best represent the professional needs of physicians, their families, and their patients. ALAPAC believes Van Smith is that type of candidate.

We hope those of you living in the district will join ALAPAC in supporting Van Smith. If you’d like to make a contribution to help elect more candidates like Van Smith, simply click the button below.

*A special thanks to Dr. Lee Carter, an ALAPAC supporter and family physician living in HD42, for his advocacy efforts in Van Smith’s campaign.



Contributions to ALAPAC are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Voluntary political contributions to Alabama Medical PAC (ALAPAC) are not limited to the suggested amount. The Medical Association will not favor or disadvantage anyone based upon the amount or failure to contribute. A portion of the contributions may be used in connection with Federal elections. Corporate funds will be used in either state elections or for education purposes. Federal contributions are subject to the limitations of FEC Regulations 110.1, .2, and .5.

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Why I Give: Amanda Williams, M.D.

Why I Give: Amanda Williams, M.D.

I’m Amanda Williams, a psychiatrist in Montgomery and Vice President of the Medical Association, and I witnessed first-hand just how many pieces of legislation directly impact Alabama physicians.

For example, when I traveled to the State House this year, I was able to provide input on a bill that altered the involuntary commitment process and would have created new avenues of liability for those of us who specifically deal with mental health issues or work in emergency rooms.

Thankfully, the team at the Medical Association was there to fight back against plaintiffs attorneys and ensure we obtained the proper liability protection to allow us to continue caring for our patients without worrying about lawsuits. But defending physicians from these attacks does not come easy, and money is needed to help elect candidates who we can work with on these issues.

The practice of medicine in Alabama is changing. It’s up to us to be a part of that change. I give to ALAPAC to support the Medical Association in their battle to protect our profession and our patients.

I ask that you join me and do the same.


Contributions to ALAPAC are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Voluntary political contributions to Alabama Medical PAC (ALAPAC) are not limited to the suggested amount. The Medical Association will not favor or disadvantage anyone based upon the amount or failure to contribute. A portion of the contributions may be used in connection with Federal elections. Corporate funds will be used in either state elections or for education purposes. Federal contributions are subject to the limitations of FEC Regulations 110.1, .2, and .5.

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ALAPAC Update: Recognizing Our Top Donors

ALAPAC Update: Recognizing Our Top Donors

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Each year, ALAPAC seeks donations from physicians in order to keep the political presence of physicians strong. While we are currently in the final stages of our campaign to raise $75k in 75 days, we would like to take a moment to thank those individuals who have gone above and beyond with their contributions this year.

Such contributions enable ALAPAC to provide financial and technical support to candidates who best represent the professional needs of physicians and their patients. Moreover, these contributions combine individual voices into one strong, unified voice to ensure Alabama physicians remain influential in the legislative process.

For those who have yet to contribute this year, there is still time left to contribute! ALAPAC has 45 days left in its summer campaign and needs to raise a little over $40k (that’s less than 4 physicians giving $250 each day).

While this list is comprised of individuals who have given more than $250, we are grateful to EVERYONE who has supported ALAPAC and will be recognizing ALL donors at the end of our campaign.

We look forward to finishing this year on a high note and hope that you will help us reach our goal!

2019 Top Donors

A. Roland Spedale, Jr., M.D.

Alan Mann, D.O.

Alexis Mason, M.D.

Alfred LaShawn Malone, M.D.

Amanda Jean Williams, M.D.

Anthony Hollman, M.D.

Arden LeRoy Aylor, Jr., M.D.

Brendan Wyatt, M.D.

Brett Lee Storm, M.D.

Burt Fowler Taylor, M.D.

Charles Hugh Holloway, M.D.

Charles R. Horton, Jr., M.D.

Christopher Green, M.D.

Christopher Rauf Ahmed, M.D.

Clint Thomas Wade, M.D.

Dewey Jones, IV, M.D.

Eric Conrad Lund, M.D.

George Fant, M.D.

Glenn Woods, M.D.

Gregory Scott Tucker, M.D.

Hernando Carter, M.D.

Ivan Sequera-Sanchez, M.D.

James B. Byrne, Jr., M.D.

James C. Mann, M.D.

James D. Izer, M.D.

James Reza Fernandez, M.D.

James Scott Bolton, M.D., PC

James Vann Worthen, M.D.

Jane Ann Weida, M.D.

John Drew, D.O.

John Meigs, M.D.

John Olen Newcomb, M.D.

Jorge A. Alsip, M.D.

Julia Ann Alexander, M.D.

Julia L. Boothe, M.D.

Kurt Arnold Senn, M.D.

Liang Gu, M.D.

Mark H. LeQuire, M.D.

Masoud Hamidian, M.D.

Michael Cochran, M.D.

Michael D. Smith, M.D.

Michael Todd Ellerbusch, M.D.

Michael W. Cantrell, M.D.

Neil Yeager, M.D.

Paul Nagrodzki, M.D.

Paul Pickard, M.D.

Richard E. Jones, III, M.D.

Richard Esham, Sr., M.D.

Robert Evans Egbert, M.D.

Robert Nesbitt, M.D.

Robert Story, M.D.

Robert Williams, M.D.

Sara Margaret Mullins, M.D.

Sarah Mullican, M.D.

Sebastian B. Heersink, M.D.

Stephanie Jiminez, M.D.

Stephen Fernandez, M.D.

Suzanne S. Blaylock, M.D.

Thomas James Weida, M.D.

William Bennett, M.D.

William Jay Suggs, M.D.

William W. Beckett, Jr., M.D.

*Contributions to ALAPAC are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Voluntary political contributions to Alabama Medical PAC (ALAPAC) are not limited to the suggested amount. The Medical Association will not favor or disadvantage anyone based upon the amount or failure to contribute. A portion of the contributions may be used in connection with Federal elections. Corporate funds will be used in either state elections or for education purposes. Federal contributions are subject to the limitations of FEC Regulations 110.1, .2, and .5.

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ALAPAC Hosts Successful Fundraiser for Charlotte Meadows

ALAPAC Hosts Successful Fundraiser for Charlotte Meadows

Last week, ALAPAC, at the home of Drs. Lori and Penn White, hosted a fundraiser for Charlotte Meadows. We are proud to say the event was an overwhelming success!

As the political action committee of the Medical Association, ALAPAC seeks to elect candidates who best represent the professional needs of physicians and their patients. Charlotte Meadows is exactly that type of candidate.

Shortly after her marriage to Alan Meadows, M.D., Charlotte played a vital role in jumpstarting his Montgomery practice. During the years she managed Dr. Meadow’s medical practice, Charlotte also remained active in the Alliance and the Association.

More recently, Charlotte has found another calling – advocacy. She has been involved in various advocacy campaigns statewide and looks to take that experience to the State House.

“My accounting and business administration degrees, as well as my background in medicine and small business, and my experience in education policy will enable me to be up to speed on both the education and general fund budgets, as well as many other committees in the State House.”

Charlotte received 42% of the vote in last month’s House District 74 primary election and is now in a runoff, with that election coming on August 27th. We hope you will join ALAPAC in supporting Charlotte Meadows’ campaign.

If you reside in House District 74 and would like information on how to cast an absentee ballot, click here. To make a contribution to ALAPAC in support of Charlotte, simply text CHARLOTTE to 91999 or click the donate button below.

*A special thanks goes out to Drs. Lori and Penn White for hosting last week’s fundraiser. We are grateful to everyone who has supported Charlotte.



Disclaimer: Contributions to ALAPAC are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Voluntary political contributions to Alabama Medical PAC (ALAPAC) are not limited to the suggested amount. The Medical Association will not favor or disadvantage anyone based upon the amount or failure to contribute. A portion of the contributions may be used in connection with Federal elections. Corporate funds will be used in either state elections or for education purposes. Federal contributions are subject to the limitations of FEC Regulations 110.1, .2, and .5.

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