Nearly All ALAPAC-Supported Candidates Won Their Elections

Tuesday’s election nationally saw the U.S. House flip from Republican to Democrat-controlled, but U.S. Senate Republicans actually increased their majority. In Alabama, Republicans remain in control of both house of the legislature and all statewide elected offices.

From an election results standpoint within Alabama, the Alabama Medical PAC (ALAPAC) participated in 111 out of 140 state legislative races. 99 percent of ALAPAC-supported legislative candidates won their election bids Tuesday. Regarding statewide offices, the success rate for ALAPAC-supported candidates was 100 percent. Later today, ALAPAC contributors will receive a much more detailed breakdown by email of Tuesday’s election results, an analysis of voting trends and forecasts for what Alabama physicians may expect the next several years.

The ALAPAC Board is incredibly appreciative of the resources Alabama physicians have contributed toward ALAPAC’s election efforts. As the official political committee of Alabama physicians and the Medical Association, ALAPAC exists to elect men and women whom physicians can work with on issues affecting patients and the practice of medicine. If you would like to contribute to ALAPAC, please click here.

Contributions to ALAPAC are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Voluntary political contributions to Alabama Medical PAC (ALAPAC) are not limited to the suggested amount. The Medical Association will not favor or disadvantage anyone based upon the amount or failure to contribute. A portion of the contributions may be used in connection with Federal elections. Corporate funds will be used in either state elections or for education purposes. Federal contributions are subject to the limitations of FEC Regulations 110.1, .2, and .5.